


04-15-2013, 07:13 PM

He'd been vaguely trailing after his father since the meeting. Keeping enough distance between them so that he would not be noticed, but enough closeness so that he could keep an eye on the monarch. He was to be married, to a valhallan, more specifically, to the sister of his ladylove. How much more could go wrong in his life? He'd meant to question his father, to ask him if there was any way the arrangements could be changed so that he might wed Epiphron. But he knew it was foolish to go against an agreement between two Kings. His father would not change his mind, and there was no reason to rock the boat by asking. Maverick knew he'd have no choice in the matter, but somehow, some way he knew he'd figure out how to survive all of this, even if it meant surviving with Chrysanthe. He supposed eventually he'd grow to love her, or at least tolerate her. But how long would it take? How much effort would it require? More importantly, would it ever, ever happen? He knew it'd be his obligation to love her, to treat her right, to produce heirs with her, to rule beside her, and yet.. would it ever turn into anything more than an obligation? Anything more than just following orders? Of this.. he was not sure.

The Prince heard the chorus of howls, the first from a foreign female, the next two from his father. One responded to her call, while the other called forth the Seracians. It must be Jupiter and the Ludicael party. The Prince weaved through the trees and along the delta he knew so well. Securing himself a comfortable standing spot beside his father, he dipped his head in greeting to the Ludicael queen, offering his voice. Maverick, Prince of Seracia. He would pause as Loccian spoke up, offering her title and services. Bronze was with her. It's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Jupiter. The Prince was nothing if not well versed.
