

Rivaxorus II


5 Years
Extra large

12-04-2015, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 12-04-2015, 12:37 AM by Rivaxorus II.)

As soon as his father showed up, Rivaxorus himself felt like breaking into pieces. His muscles tensed on themselves, and he brought it to himself to hear the man out. His dad - he had to remind himself that's who he was. What did that really mean to him? His mother was dead and shouldn't he be clinging to the other. Instead he felt like his heart was wrapping itself around his siblings protecting them from HIM. While he didn't bother to ask them what they really thought. His two different colored eyes seemed to lock in sync with his fathers same colors yet on opposite sides of their eyes. What marked them entirely as a family, and where did it start to fall apart at this point. Yet, his ears pinned to the back of his head. A deep growl hitting his throat. "It's not your fault!" he yelled out loud. "It's none of ours." Rivaxorus looked at his sisters. There was no point in them blaming themselves. Not even Holly, no amount of herbs could have saved their mothers mental state. "But... going after Sin. I can understand that mother - her mind was gone. But you?" his eyes strained. "You're going to leave us coming up on our birth season. We'll be a year old and should be celebrating while you're off going to kill yourself. Have you ever bothered to ask us what we wanted?" Tears stung at his eyes. "I already watched my mother die.... I don't want to see the same man kill my father. I certainly understand your reasonings but.... this isn't home anymore... I want my mom back - all of us do. But most of all we NEED our dad to be there.... if you can't do that then... I want to leave. I want to live with uncle leo." He stood firmly on the ground. "But I want all my brothers and sisters to come with me."

Rivaxorus shook his head. As selfish as that sounded, he couldn't help what he felt. After all his heart was a mix of emotions. It was never meant to turn out this way, and they could do what they wish. "In the spring I'm leaving, and anyone who wants to follow me I can. But I'm begging you please Dad..... don't challenge Sin. Let someone else more able do so when the time comes. I'm sure someone will smite him. If you're here.... then..... maybe even then you could find a way to pick up your damaged pieces. Marina could help you." Rivaxorus looked at his father very seriously. Heart pounding against his chest. It felt like it was going to gently burst out. Ever so slightly he sat back down on his haunches. Trying to shake his head free of all these emotions he had never felt before.

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