
Don't Let Your Demons Hide



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-04-2015, 12:45 AM

The one who came was someone she had not expected to see so soon. Akemi, the woman who had challenged Valentine right after the brutal beating stood before her, and she did not look happy at all...Avalon's ears pinned to her head, a frown of her own forming. Settling into Imperium? What else was she supposed to do? Lay around until she and her children became slaves? No. She wouldn't do that. Her heart sunk as Akemi kept talking, going further into making sure Avalon felt the sting of betrayal. Her amber gaze narrowed, lips curling as she growled. Usually, she wouldn't do such a thing...but the fact that Akemi was implying it was all for a bet angered her. She would not remain silent, no matter how much more of a veteran the little woman was, Avalon would not allow her to keep spitting lies. "It wasn't for a bet! What did you expect me to do? I couldn't fight, in case you had forgotten, I just had children! I had to think about them, and what would have me fighting accomplish? Nothing more then a bruised and bleeding body to show my babies...I am not experienced enough to fight. But I will learn." And you're going to help me with that! She was fuming, barely holding it together.

She had been heartbroken when Cypress had fallen so quickly, she had faith In him...but Valentine was just more experienced, she supposed. As for her mate? What did Akemi know? She had Ravine faithfully at her side all the time, while her own mate was...well, she didn't even fucking know! And that pissed her off even more. The fact that she couldn't say much about that considering Newol wasn't even a part of Sonticus, let alone around enough to be with her and get to know her other friends and family. But Akemi had no right to tell her what she did. So with a rapidly beating heart and the drive to hold back the stinging tears, she would quiet her. Her hackles rose, bristling with fury. More so at the fact that Akemi thought all of that about her. And while Avalon thought highly of her, her initial thoughts were quickly dwindling. She had only really heard about her from Ravine, and had only done a hunt with Akemi once. But still! Hackles bristled, her ears pinned flat to her head, her amber gaze narrowed on the much smaller form, her knees bent, bringing her lower to the ground. Her tail stuck out behind her, aligning with her spine while her head followed suit. Her chin tucked closer to her throat, shoulders rolled forward and she rolled her scruff to bunch the fat and skin around it. (Not that Akemi could reach...she thought.)

Without waiting further, she launched towards Akemi in an attempt to close the distance between them. Since Akemi was much smaller, Avalon figured she would have to try and use her size while keeping Akemi's size In mind as well. She would lean towards her left (Akemi's right), her feet crossing one another so that she was angled slightly towards Akemi's right shoulder. There, she would attempt to slam Akemi's blind side with her lower left shoulder, aiming to make contact with the right side of Akemi's neck and hopefully bruise her. Avalon was at a lowered stance here, her body previously lowered so she wasn't as terribly tall as she was before. Her toes splayed and her nails dug into the earth for traction, her weight distributed evenly as she sought to topple the smaller femme. Simultaneously, she sought to bring her right foreleg up and drape it over the middle of Akemi's back, attempting then to pull Akemi's hindquarters to her chest and hoping that it would make Akemi pivot and bring her back end facing Avalon. It was a long shot, but she would try regardless.

Her hind legs spread to give her more balance as Avalon had lifted her right foreleg. She hoped she could bruise the smaller woman with her charge, though she was sure the little woman had several tricks up her sleeve. Finally, with a swift attempt, Avalon's jaws opened up and she tilted her head to her left and downwards. Top fangs sought to bite on the left of Akemi's spine, and bottom teeth sought to bite the right side of her spine. She wanted to attain a solid grip, subdue her opponent as quickly as possible. All the while, she raged inside with herself. She was fighting a pack mate! Albeit a former pack mate, and no matter how much she tried to push it away, she couldn't ignore that fact. They shouldn't be fighting like this! They were supposed to be a family unit! But...all that was gone now...right? Or was this just some cruel test? A trick? A dream? Nightmare maybe? As she attacked Akemi, the tears that threatened to sting her eyes began to slide down her cheeks, pain and confusion settling into her heart and soul.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Akemi for Spar of hearbreak

Round/Move: 1/?


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