
Ghosts of the Past



7 Years

12-04-2015, 04:44 PM

A big breath was pushed out of his lungs when Allen said that the kids and Nona were okay, a bit of the weight lifting off of his shoulders. That had been his biggest fear, when he saw that look on the older man's face. He wished that he could see them right now, but it wasn't the time or place to ask for that. But he spoke of an accident and his ears pulled forward, his mouth opening up into a silent o shape. Sin had helped him? Pale auds flickered slightly, he was unsure what to say about that. He knew that Sin was not a good man, and he didn't want to argue with Allen about it right now. There was more that he needed to say though, so Bass thankfully stayed silent as he spoke on. He was surprised that Lillie had been there and didn't say anything to him about that, but he pushed it away. He just nodded as he went on about thinking that he had been right about him, not liking the turn of the conversation. But then he mentioned Sin maiming Arian and his eyes shot open wide. He knew that there was a feud between the two of them but he didn't know that it was that bad, or that Sin would go that far. Well, he had a hunch but... Bass sighed as his head lowered, he knew where this was going now.

Apparently he agreed to take Sonticus for Arian, and he shuffled on his paws, unsure of how to feel about that. He had watched Abaven for him, and then he left and took over another pack? He cleared his throat uncomfortably, but Allen went on. Oh, he had only held it for a bit? When he spoke of coming home Bass sighed and leaned into his nuzzle, pushing his nose into Allen's cheek for a moment before he pulled back. Ears were pressed flat against his head, shifting his weight once more between his paws. "I don't know Allen... it hurt so much when you left like that. When you tore yourself away from me when I needed you so badly. I am tired of wolves coming and leaving as they please." He admitted with a frown, feeling very torn up about what he was saying. "Quelt and Limno vanished, and that's the third time that Quelt has left. Hansel has reappeared, Vali is back and I just..." He shook his head, taking a step back from Allen. He wanted his old friend back in Abaven, he really did. "I'm just tired of being hurt. It doesn't mean that I don't care about you any less Allen I just... How do I know that you won't get up and go again?"
