
peppermint winter ♥


12-04-2015, 05:55 PM

Snow! Snow, snow, snow! It there was one thing she loved most in the world besides her family, it was snow. It was cold, but it was soft and just...wonderful! She's never really expressed her love for snow to anyone, not even Bass. That might just be because she's always pregnant during winter...pft. Well that explains something. Now she was free! Not quite free of her two youngest, but...right now, they were off exploring, enjoying the snow. Now it was her time to return to her puppy days. Wren slowly wiggled herself out of the warm den and emerged into the snow, eyeing the little paw prints that formed a trail. Sandpiper and Tordo...little munchkins knew how to sneak off, eh? Wren giggled and shook her head. She knew they'd be fine. They were already getting bigger...and they had each other.

Wren sprinted away from the den, only to dive into the deep snow and roll around. The frosty white powder covered her, but to her amazement, she wasn't cold. She was just happy to be free to jump around despite her age. The girl continued to travel away from the den until she was rolling in the snow around the freezing rapids, her body thrashing and flailing about. She would even trot around like a reindeer and attempt to catch flakes in her mouth, or ram into a tree and allow herself to be showered in icy cold snow. It was wonderful to be her own wolf without having to carry pups around all the time. She felt light and free. It was the best feeling in the world. If only Bass wasn't so busy...he could build snowwolves with her.

"Wren's Speech"
"Bass' Speech"