
Let Love Blossom


04-15-2013, 08:10 PM
The brute's aqua blue gaze followed the dame as she drew near and nuzzled him. His dark fur stood on end and bristled as he tried to contain himself. His smile grew as she playfully nipped his ear in return. Thane's breath caught in his throat as she neared him even more than before but yet he controlled himself and stayed put.

What was this sorcery, was she tempting him? If she was then it was working; the brute's fur bristled as he cherished the touch of his mate once more.

Only when Ookami pulled away did he feel a sense of loss by the absence of her touch. A game she suggested was it? cat and mouse? He had to corner her? How could Thane possibly pin her or corner her here.

The black male sat there dumbfounded as he thought of a way to do so. As she then took off running did a small smile appear on his maw. They were on this hill with a beautiful view...and what comes up must come down. With a swift movement Thane ran after her as fast as his legs could carry him. With each upturn of dirt did he come closer to the dame he desired and loved ever so fiercely.

White lined ears pressed against his head as he ran to gain speed. Suddenly when the hill started to slope down did Thane leaped at Ookami and wrap his forelegs around her. When gravity would take then down they should go rolling down the hill together. When they would near the bottom Thane would pin her down with both of his paws on her chest to hold her there. And the brute would say "We both win in the end don't we."

If she were to somehow escape his grasp would he continue his chase after his beloved.