
Deep Inside



3 Years
Extra large
12-04-2015, 07:29 PM

He just kept staring, his grey ears flat against his skull as he shuffled his weight across all four of his legs. He really sucked at this whole conversation thing, and this woman's piercing silver eyes seemed to look into his very soul. It made him uncomfortable, and he was very tempted to just turn around and walk off. He had already made quite a fool of himself, so was there any point in him sticking around? But she went on to speak, he was unsure of how to process it. Was she mad that he had reminded her that she was on the ground, covered in dirt? Was it sarcasm? He felt terribly lost, so he just nodded his head. Yes, she seemed... well confused. Dazed, just like he had been. She had fallen onto the ground after all, and she shook herself with a sigh. Did he make her unhappy? Oh gosh, he really was the worst at this. Clearing his throat he took a small step back, giving the pretty lady a bit more room to breath. Her coat was a very nice shade of red, and it wasn't often that he saw someone of her coat colour. He wanted to comment on it, his head tilting to the side, but he stopped himself. Was it rude to remark on another wolf's coat colour? Cathaoir wanted to slap his paw to his face, he was such a dork. Gosh.

She went on to say that the broken ground had almost got her as well, and it was probably why she had been running before. He didn't miss her accent, it was far thicker than his though. His was only a touch different from others, while hers spoke of a whole different world. But when she asked why he was napping, he snorted, surprised at his own show of emotion. "No napping. I erm... passed out." he admitted, ashamed in doing so. "I was running. Tripped. And... blackness." Cath shuttered, his head shaking back and forth.

"Talk" "You" Think