
Goodbye Graceful



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-04-2015, 09:46 PM

The creature would snarl in rage, adrenaline keeping the pain at bay for the duration of the fight. He mentally cursed, forgetting for a moment that this cat wasn't the average opponent. He immediately grounded his paw again when he realized he couldn't unbalance the feline. He would recheck his defenses: ears remained pinned, amber eyes narrowed, zeroing in on his opponents movements. Hackles bristling, his tail tucking this time to protect his underside while his abdominal muscles tensed. His knees bent, toes splayed as his nails bit the earth for traction, weight evenly distributed. Shoulders rolled forward to protect his vitals, head lowered to protect his throat and his scruff bunched to add protection to the back of his neck. This tiger was giving him a good run for his money, an actual challenge compared to the jaguar and the lion. His teeth bared, muzzle wrinkling to further protect his face.

This cat was quick!  And it didn't surprise him when the feline sought to keep them parallel to one another. Off to the right, Seifer was circling as he drew nearer, readying to pounce. As Sin sought to keep his body away from the teeth of his opponent, it would be a slight fail considering his left thigh was lacerated and bleeding. He stumbled for a moment, and that was all it took to feel teeth biting into his thigh again, causing him to snarl as the damage worsened. He felt blood seeping down his leg, warm and sticky. He would surely attain new scars and a limp for some time, but he would not give up just yet. His own teeth had made contact, and Sin would release and make a swift retreat as best as he could.

As Skaelingr's left paw came at him, Sin would quickly rotate his hind end away, the massive paw shoving his back end to the ground with bruising and moderate lacerations to his back. He would let his hind end fall into the dirt, using the momentum to twist his upper body towards Skaelingr (with sin practically lying on his right side), jaws gaping as he sought to bite the same spot he had previously bitten, attempting to worsen the damage behind the lower rib cage. Due to his falling motion, Skaelingr's right paw would graze the outside of his thigh with lighter scratches, though the pain stung and made him wince.

At that moment that Sin touched the ground, Seifer would shoot forward, coming in from behind Skaelingr's right at a slight angle. Crimson eyes zeroed in on his target, claws unsheathed as the smaller feline skidded to a sudden halt right behind Skaelingr, his left foreclaws attempting to reach between Skaelingr's hind legs and rake them beneath the tiger starting from the soft belly, and dragging his claws back towards them, also potentially catching the felines balls between his own claws. When it came to fighting, Seifer didn't care what he did, as long as he could apply some sort of damage and pain, and the softer underbelly was definitely a sensitive spot. However, he wouldn't mind a double prize if he managed to neuter the creature, though that wasn't entirely what he was going for anyway.

Sin VS Skaelingr for spar

Round 2/2

OOC// SUPER late but there's Skaelingr's first judged spar xD