
Alluring Secret, Black Vow


12-04-2015, 11:32 PM

This was perhaps her favorite place of the East. Though winter wasn't making it so lovely. Sunniva would stand at the water with ears flicked back. The snow was welcomed, but not so much here in the East. She thought of heading North once more. At least there the reindeer were more likely to be found. Though, then again, her conversation Sabine came to mind. Maybe she could go pester one of the packs? Or mayhaps find someone to potentially pester anyway. The woman would smirk slightly to herself at the thought, focusing on the water.

There was a fog rolling in, moving as if on delicate cat paws. The gray and red woman would take a step back on the snow, hearing a satisfying crunch. She didn't necessarily mind the season, though it was quite the lonely one. She'd once more let mind drift to family, to friends. The tribe. Ahh she needed some more interaction for certain. Raising her head to the sky she'd let out a call. Come what may of this interaction, she'd at least be entertained for a while.

"Talk" "You" Think