
Don't Let Your Demons Hide



9 Years
12-13-2015, 09:31 AM

 The man would glare at the quarreling women from several yards away as he forced himself to stay out of it....for now. He didnt think he would ever be so angry with two women, especially not these two. In fact he had a rabbit discarded at his paws that, only a short while ago, he had intended to share with his wife. Now as far as he was conserned she could catch her own damn lunch.

Yep, he had been hunting not but a few hours ago and brought the small meal back to where he had seen Akemi last only to trail her here and catch the tail end of the conversation. Avalon had betrayed him and Akemi was not only being hateful to the large woman but also ripping Ravine's heart out peace by peace. He had considered Avalon a friend,  hell he had even told the woman how much he cared for Akemi and now she was at his wife's thoat. Akemi however, cut him deeper as she had just recently spoken to him of having pups together yet she couldn't hold her temper in check.

The man had been terrified of loosing his beloved the day Avalon was taken from the pack. He had been furious then too but his need to take care of her had taken over. Now he was overwhelmed with anger because of the conversation they had not too long ago, that and it wasnt just Akemi fuling his emotions tbis time.

Damn he loved the little fireball of a woman, but damn it she knew how to push his buttons too. So when the fight ended, and he hoped that would be soon, he would not yell at her. No instead he would speak to her in a normal tone, though he couldnt make any promises to keep the anger out of his voice, she was an adult and his partner in life. He respected her but did not have to agree with all of her choices or actions.
