
Lesson Learned



5 Years
12-05-2015, 01:06 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2015, 01:23 AM by Jakart.)
To Jakart the scene was one of familiarity, of bonding even after the physical intimacy was done and over with. One he certainly hoped his brothers wouldn't stumble upon. He felt as if these moments could only ever be shared with Callisto, that he could only give them to the female. It was a hope that the healer felt the same way about him, that this arrangement was to be mutual in its benefits. One having the burn of heat quelled, and the other having the need to help another live in a more comfortable manner. The two of them fit with such symmetry, there had been a gap left by Jakart's sisters, a gap filled as his paws were no long idle. It certainly differed from hunting and locating future prey to feed his siblings when the entire family was but wanderers to the lands. But had been enough in his life.

Now this was his task, an internal vow to give Callisto anything he could to help the troubled she wolf. And this season required him to give himself fully to help with her needs and without complaint he obeyed his friend wish. A black paw gently swept through the fur of her stomach and up towards her chest. Callisto nudged him, Jakart already taking away his paw and tucking the limb between them as she spoke. A slight grin creased his muzzle at her words and a final nip was given on her ear. Content with the affections he had stolen, Jakart settled against Callisto with a pleased rumble and wrapped his forelegs around her. With his oncemate wrapped up in his embrace sleep eventually claimed him as the efforts of their impromptu lesson caught up to him.

-Jakart is asleep-