
Never Walked this Path I'm on



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-05-2015, 12:10 PM

Mithras felt a warm comfort in his chest as Faria graciously granted him entrance to the den. Things could have gone so much worse than they had, in so many different ways. Hell, it was possible that he could have missed the birth of the girls entirely, could not even know that they existed. Faria could have sent him away when he did find out. But instead, there they were. It was awkward, sure! Neither of them seemed to know where to find stable ground, but at least they were tumbling down this mountain of "new" together. He would set the plump rabbit near her forepaws, preening a bit just like he always did. He was such a good hunter! And clearly an awesome dad! Never mind that he'd barely gotten more than an hour of sleep at a time in the past handful of days, he was just planning on ignoring that fact.

He turned his gaze to the little blue bundles. One blue, one red, and one dark with specks and veins of brilliant color. The blue clearly took after Faria, and the red one looked a lot like others in his own line. The darker coated girl, well, he wasn't entirely sure if that had come from him or Faria but he found himself lost in the way colors were blooming from her inky coat. "Have you named them yet?" he asked gently. After the birth Faria had been too exhausted, and since then they'd been too wrapped up in being, well, parents to much too much thought into it. It never occurred to him that it might be something they would come up with together. After all, she had made them! She'd been the one to carry them, go through the pain and the blood, it ought to be her choice, right? He looked down at the girls once more, trying to feel out what their calling would be before it was announced, if Faria was even ready for that. One more step of the many the little ones would take. Gods, he was so nervous he felt like he just might puke.

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!