
Here Goes Nothing!



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-05-2015, 02:31 PM

Many wolves from her side of the woods would just others on her appearance. Just as Avalon did, Amachi stood out like a sore thumb no doubt. However - she held no ill will towards Avalon though she was sure the other thought her loyalties were weak. Well once things didn't seem to benefit her she did leave, or rather she didn't think she would benefit the situation at all. Amachi was curious as to why the woman bore Imperium's scent as well. Avalon was a wolf she rather liked - and Amachi had ignored the newcomer who had come to watch the fight. Automatically Amachi stayed with her defenses and waited for the other's approach. They could talk after the fight if that enough was aloud.

Amachi’s ears remained pinned to the back of her head, eyes narrowed on her opponent and pupils dilated her chin slightly tucked to her chest. As her teeth pulled back, she saw Avalon move quickly. The beast used her hind legs to shift to her own right her left hind leg stepping first before bringing her right around, trying to swing enough to place them at a right angle. Having Avalon’s left shoulder grazing her chest not a sound emitted from Amachi as she stayed relatively calm. Though her veins started to pump, heart quickening with the hormones. She redistributed her weight on her four legs, Avalon’s right forepaw hooked on Amachi’s left. Immediately she lifted her left leg and brought it down with high force to smash into the woman’s toes and paw aiming to potentially break them(counter). With her shoulders rolled inwards, hackles raised and scruff rolled forward Avalon’s jaws would sink into her left shoulder. Upper jaws locking just behind her head and the lower closer to her chest. The half inch wound bled through making Amachi let out a stifled growl to the moderate damage. The two of them were large, but Amachi was larger and heavier.

Tail leveling to her spine, Amachi sought to bolt up on her hind legs. Right forearm aiming to land on Avalon’s left side that was facing her. Amachi’s jaws opened head tilted to the left, her upper teeth hoping to hook on the right side of Avalon’s spine, her lower to the left. While attempting to lean her chest into Avalon in the hopes of pushing her into the dirt. Her abdomen muscles tightened, protecting her stomach. Back toes spreading into the dirt.

Amachi vs. Avalon for rekindled friendship.
ooc: My stakes are stupid xD Dragon's got my skype for any questions.

[Image: 11ludc3.png]