
Living like we're renegades


12-05-2015, 04:24 PM
Wren craned her head down so she had a better view of her daughter, who was now leaning against her side casually. The woman grinned. Her newest litter of pups were so tiny and fragile- how did they conserve all this energy? They didn't even eat that much yet...too much sleep, maybe? No...Sandpiper and Tordo never liked going to bed. And when they did, it was usually Sandpiper who demanded a bedtime story. On top of that, when she finished too early and Sandpiper and Tordo were still awake, she was forced to sing an all-too-familiar song that would settle them completely. Its not that she didn't like singing- it was just that her little babies had too much energy for her to handle. Shrike didn't even have this much energy as a child.

Actually, that was debatable. Shrike would never stop talking and asking questions. It was like his lungs were the size of Imperium itself, dismissing air like it mattered as much as a wild bird feather. He had probably gotten it from tiny baby Bass. Wren laughed at the thought and let her ears rotate as Sandpiper spoke, explaining how hard it was to hunt. Or, to stay quiet. Wren lifted a brow slowly. "When you're hunting, stay downwind to your prey and avoid stepping on debris. Also, pretend your mouth is bind shut. That way you won't accidentally say hello to the target before attacking it." The dame said with a silly grin, her tail sweeping back and forth.

Sandpiper asked her what she had been doing and Wren instantly pointed her nose up toward the nearest rock. "There were rocks crammed into the walls of the den, honey. I thought it'd be nice to remove them." She explained, turning her soft minty gaze back to her tiny daughter. When Wren first looked at Sandpiper as a newborn puppy, she couldn't help but grow weak in the knees. Her facial markings were exactly alike to Bass'. And just her fluffy little face looked like she felt differently, and saw her daughter for who she was. But the thought came back to her in a flash as she studied the girl's facial markings silently.
