
On With The Show! {Borealis Meeting}


12-05-2015, 05:27 PM

Cypress would glance to Kakashi as the man showed up. He would give a small nod, his expression solemn. “Yes... There is definitely something up.” The man would explain softly. He couldn’t even look at Rivaxorus as the boy arrived. After their last family talk the young man couldn’t help but feel broken. Feel so guilty. He would breathe out a heavy sigh. He didn’t want to think about such things. Didn’t want to think about being separated from his kids. He had altered his decision... But that didn’t make it any easier to bear.

Marina would show, along with her children and some other members of the pack. Akemi, Ravine... Both would get nods of greeting from the man. It was a small turnout. ‘Ponine, Razor, and Holly hadn’t even showed. He would feel his heart ache. Perhaps Riv was sitting in for all of their sakes, waiting to see what would happen. Taking a breath Cypress would stand, speaking out to the pack.

“Greetings everyone. I know that, with recent events, times have become hard. We have lost our true leader, Arian, and with it much of my spirit, the spirit of Sonticus, has been lost. I can not hold onto this pack for much longer, and so I’ve asked Marina to step in to aid us, to take on this pack. She has deemed it to be renamed Borealis, and some of her laws will be taking effect immediately. I know not what you all feel about this change, but I’d like to ask you at least try to see how she runs this pack before you decide if you will stay or go.”

Cypress would take a deep breath.

“Originally there had been a different motive for this change of hands as well. When spring came I had planned to challenge Sin to death, as my mate had, but...” Cypress would glance towards Rivaxorus. “After hearing what my children wanted I have thought better on it for now. Though let it be known if Sin comes to this land, if he hurts any of you, I will be on his ass in heartbeat. It doesn’t matter what this pack is called, who runs it... You are all still my family... And I know Arian would have that no other way.”

Cypress would glance around at them all. “Things are subject to change... But... I want us to try and move forward. Lets not have Arian’s death be a reason to break us... Let us celebrate the life she had and... And try to move thrive.” He didn’t realize how hard it would be to run a meeting. He’d glance towards Marina, waiting to see what she would add.
