
On With The Show! {Borealis Meeting}

Marina I


7 Years
12-05-2015, 05:42 PM

Marina would glance at Nixie as her little one came to her side. She spoke of one of the members of Borealis, the scarred woman. Before the rainbow hued female could answer however a man arrived, saying the truth of the matter. Marina would smile, giving a nod. “He is right, little one. Battles, hard battles, won and lost, are how wolves get scars like that. It makes them stronger by surviving those battles. So be respectful to that lady, alright?”

Her gaze would shift to Kait for a moment, then to Zephyra as her daughter demanded to know about the strangers in the Gulley. She would breathe in, speaking in a soft tone after Ren. “That’s right. They are the pack of Borealis, our pack. The pack that mommy is going to run with Cypress for a while, and then have alone, so be nice to them.” Her gaze would shift to Cypress once the man began speaking. It was no doubt hard for him, and the rainbow woman would give a respectful nod once he was finished, speaking up as well.

“Wolves of Borealis, today I stand before you as not just as an alpha, a leader, but as a fellow packmate. I know that change is hard, but sometimes it is necessary for a new beginning, a way to heal. I, Marina Agatsuma, want to promise you one thing. That we will look after each other as a family. This pack will be full of opportunity for all. We will not look at each others weaknesses, but try to work and build on each other’s strengths.” The woman would look around.

“I can not ask that you stay here, but if you are willing to be part of Borealis all you need to do is state the rank you previously held and you shall have it. If you wish to leave now I won’t stop you, or even later, should you wish to see if this pack is part of your tastes. I will ask for your respect but know that I am not heartless. You will all be given fair time to adjust.” Marina would breathe out slowly.

“If there are any questions, comments, or concerns let us address them now. If not, you are all free to leave.”

Ooc:: Second round is recommended for ranks but not required. Marina will give back ranks to those who held them or place younger wolves in ranks for training if need be. So if you’ve got anything to post please try to do so by the 10th if you can. <3 Thanks loves!

"Talk" "You" Think
Table by:: Fox

[Image: t4ZIt0u.png]