



7 Years
Extra large

12-05-2015, 07:51 PM
Fighting didn't sound terrifying to him.. only a little bit. More than anything, it sounded quite thrilling. The prospect of protecting his family and Abaven was quite exciting to him. Though he had never really done any sort of protecting, he'd always known he would defend his family with his life. His siblings, his parents... there was no question he would fight for them and for the freedom of their family. He inhaled sharply as his dad spoke again, his eyes alight with passion as they fixated on him.

But this wasn't all fun and games. He knew that, even though he was young, and even though he'd only fought in practice before. "I know," he replied somberly, nodding slightly. They could lose their home - they might have to flee, for their safety, to a new land. Maybe even far away from these lands. His brows furrowed as he thought over this.

He sobered considerably at his father's next words. He'd never considered himself as a leader. Not of a pack... though taking care of his siblings, and the desire to protect them, came quite naturally to him. He would nod slowly as he considered the words spoken - there were many facets of this war he hadn't considered. Wolves getting hurt. If the healers were experienced enough. If they needed to call in help. If their allies were worth getting hurt over this.

It was still strange to him that his father considered him worth to lead. Not today, maybe not next year. But someday. He exhaled softly as he looked away, into the distance, eyeing the lands that he had always known as home. "I can't imagine having a pack right now," he mused gently, sounding quite uncertain. "I feel like I still have so much to learn..." And definitely not enough knowledge to know how to run a pack.  But his father wanted him to learn, and wanted to guide him. He would nod, his expression both serious and slightly perplexed at the same time. "I'll think about it, of course." But could he really say no to what Bass wanted? Surely he saw potential in him, if he'd asked at all.