
Stolen Dance (Open Spar)



7 Years

12-06-2015, 12:00 AM
Ehrgeiz vs Birna || Spar || Round 3/3[/font][/align]

They were both becoming soaked in blood. It was just what he wanted, to taste her on a intimate and passionate level that was deadly, lacking in warmth and affection. It was most chillingly delightful. He admired her savagery; there was good reason she was on the battlefield. Still, he couldn't just let her win. Licking the blood from his lips after digging deep lacerations in her shoulder, he snarled with rage as her fangs sunk deep into his upper brow before he was able to dislodge her. At last he would get her off of him, knocking her left foreleg from the back of his neck and landing a strike on her right shoulder. As his opponent placed all of her paws back on the ground, so did he, having no need to stay upright on his hinds. His jaws connected approximately where he'd intended, leaving moderate punctures on the right side her neck. He clenched his jaws, intending to grip tighter and toss his head, hoping to worsen the wound; however his jaws were quickly growing weary from the earlier over-extension, and he wasn't sure how much more damage he could do.

He quickly reset his defenses, placing each paw equally apart and bending his knees and elbows to balance his center of gravity. His toes spread and talons dug into the ground, tail whipping out behind him to align with his spine. Hackles remained spiked up, ears flattened against his head and eye narrowed. His face remained scrunched up in a snarl, the skin wrinkling around his face. His shoulders rolled forward, bunching up his scruff for added protection of his neck.

Within such close range, Birna's attacks would quickly strike him. The front of her left shoulder drove into the groove of his neck, on the right side where his shoulder met with his chest, leaving a moderate bruise and causing him to rebalance himself, shifting his paws to move with the momentum of her forceful shoulder thrust. Her jaws would meet their target a few inches behind his jawline on the right side of his neck. With his scruff bunched up, she would grab a mouthful of fur and flesh, her teeth digging moderate punctures into the thick skin that protected his vital points. Still, pain seared through him from the bite, enraging him, adrenaline flowing wildly through his veins. Blood stained them both, flying from their angry jowls and pulsing from wounds. The red liquid began to pour down his face from the wounds above his brow, the drops dancing across his lashes and spilling into his one good eye. Blinking furiously did little to help, but with a thunderous, determined growl, he knew he did not need to see to keep fighting her.

Lastly the midpoint of her chest would collide with the right side of his chest, leaving mild bruising and shifting him backward once more. However, since he had placed his forepaws back on the ground, he would remain with all four paws planted firmly on the ground, claws digging in as he skidded backward. Shifting his weight to his hinds to take the brunt of the weight off his forequarters, the muscles in his rear legs tensed, readying to thrust forward. Still maintaining his bite grip, he awkwardly tried to thrust the front of his left shoulder, the bony part, straight into the lacerations he'd left on the front of her right shoulder blade, hoping to inflict greater pain and moderately bruise the area. It may leave him with a mild bruise as well, but it would be well worth it. With most of his weight shifted now to his front left leg, he would lift his right forepaw, attempting to strike her left forepaw. He hoped to fracture some of the delicate bones and make her withdraw. She was a vicious opponent, so worthwhile, and he couldn't let her ride away from this on a horse higher than his own.

Ehrgeiz vs Birna || Spar || Round 3/3