



4 Years
Extra large
12-06-2015, 02:11 PM

They walked through the terra, following the river where it became constricted, the water raged wildly through the twisting river. The frothy water writhing over the rocks. Raba gazed across to the other shore but lightly shook her head at any thought of trying to cross the rapids. That was too foolhardy even for her…. though that large tree that had fallen across the narrowest section of the river would be tempting to try. When the spring melt came the river would flood and likely pick up the tree and whisk it farther down river.

Raba's ears perked as Zell answered and she quickly picked up on the bitterness in his voice. Hated? Karabela's bouncy walk slowed to something more contemplative and attentive as the man divulged information about his origins and family. One of her ears flicked back, surprised that he was sharing so much with her and uncertain what she should say. "It's alright, better to get it out than let it stew. I'm new so my knowledge of Abaven is limited but… yea I guess I can see some of your point. It does feel like the family aspect is more for the Destructions but…" she shrugged. It was really hard for her to form an opinion on Abaven as a whole when she'd barely been there for even a season. "I was born in Imperium originally but…. some unfortunate things happened and I just, I had to get away. I've been wandering for most of my life trying to figure out what to do with myself. I ran into Lillie and Starling and thought I'd give Abaven a try."

Karabela paused to gaze again at the river and taken in the environment around her. "Do you think you'll stay?" It probably wasn't her place to ask but if he didn't feel like he fit then she didn't see any reason he should be forced to stay. She hoped Zell didn't expect her to be able to help him feel that familial connection. She'd lost her mother young, had never known her father and was separated from her siblings early. Karabela had spent so much time by herself she had no idea how to even start building that connection. "Don't worry, I won't spread our conversation around. I don't roll like that. In fact if I'm not able to find my own answers I may move on but for now I am content." She only hoped Bass would be patient with her as she tried to work out what she was meant to do with her life.

[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king