
Target 1



4 Years
12-06-2015, 03:34 PM

Takira was still tracing her target, a goat on the thinner side. It would feed a few of the wolves that lived in the pack that held her in servitude. Not that she was that worried about feeding the pack members, She was more or less looking to free herself, and she would. She was about to get up and give it a try when a boy came up to her. She glanced to him, her eyes taking in him. He was young, but that did not matter too much to her, another body in a hunt was always helpful, no matter how skilled they where. And besides Takira was a good hunter at that age so why could he not be?

"Yes," She answered the yearlings question. Seeing this as a chance to teach as well as to hunt she took the chance to enlighten him upon her choice. "You see that white spotted one?" Takira moved her paw and pointed in the direction of a small gathering of goats. Most where varying shades of brown, while the thin one she picked was mostly white with brown spots. "If you watch him move, you can see that he has a slight limp, most likely from another hopeful hunter. He must have had it for a while because he is much thinner then the others in his herd. He must not have been able to get to the better food before his friends." She tilted her head moving her eyes from the youngster back to her pray. "He is weaker and will be slower, he will be our target... If you wish to join me in this hunt."

[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]