
I keep trying to find me

Bright Moon


6 Years
12-06-2015, 10:08 PM
Bright appreciated his sharing of information, and nodded her head gratefully as he acknowledged her with the phrase "anytime". She smiled lightly. She supposed she ought to be learning from her own packmates, but she'd been too shy to meet them, and hadn't expected to meet anyone out here today. Still, it was more than worthwhile, and she was glad for their encounter. She could do nothing but flick her ears shyly as he said he was sure she'd be of use with some learning. She had feared meeting anyone out here alone, but this situation reinforced in her mind that not everyone was evil. There were still good wolves in the world, and she didn't need to fear being out on her own. Not always, though she would always hold caution close.

While she perked her ebony-tipped ears, hoping to hear where he resided, it would be his small companion that spoke up first. After all his silence, the hedgehog would show that he had a voice, and Bright smiled with amusement. She'd never thought she would speak with any creature other than a wolf. Terrae's expression was amusing as well - clearly the bond between he and his companion was well-understood and must have been long-standing. So, they were from Donostrea. She hadn't heard of the pack yet, being new to the lands, but Terrae didn't seem at all tense with her. Either their packs were friends, or at least neutral with one another. She was relieved. "Donostrea..." she repeated, wagging her tail as her silver eyes met with his bronze, "Good to know. I hope our packs will never be at odds with one another."

At last she realized how the sun had shifted. Though she wanted to stay longer, learn more, she knew she ought to be setting off back to her new home. She didn't want to be away too long as a new member, she didn't want anyone to think she wasn't thinking of Fiori. "It's been very great meeting you, Terrae," she said with a low dip of her head, then added, "And you, Silvius. I wish I could stay longer, but I really ought to get back home. Thank you again, I'm glad I got to learn something today. Trillium. I'll keep an eye out for it. And maybe we'll meet again some day. Perhaps I'll have something to share with you next time." She hoped she could return the favor someday. She didn't like the idea of only taking information from somebody without giving anything back. "Alright, I'd better go now," she said with a decisive nod, "Goodbye for now, take care." With that said, she would turn, ready to head back toward Fiori territory, feeling more positive about her future in these lands.

-exit Bright Moon-