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13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-07-2015, 02:36 AM
Alpha: Avalon
Proposed name: Glaciem
Proposed color: #1589ff
Proposed lands: Sparse Pines & The polar sound

Why You Should Vote for Me:
Honestly I don't have really anything to pitch to you...but Avalon is getting older, and she now finally seeks to rebuild and bring back Glaciem that her father had started once before! Carrying on in memory of Gargoyle (and Clash), new glaciem will be a pack of mutual respect and hierarchy, revolving around friends and family. Anyone is welcome, and those who are corrupt may potentially find a place even here where they can learn that there's another side to life. Avalon seeks to bring together all walks of life, and while she would be a strong, confident, and fair leader, she will also seek opinions and thoughts from the pack members that would make up one big family unit.

Although it may not be anything super amazing and super different, I really miss glaciem before it went to the dark side XD and I think it would be a good chance to try and bring it back c:


Tier 1 Rank: Chief
Description: The leader of the clan. One who everyone looks up to and makes all final decisions concerning the pack. She is the one who handles diplomatic affairs and other business.

Tier 1 Rank: Chieftain
Description: Secondary Alpha, should anything happen to the Chief then he takes over. Typically the mate of the Chief, but should he not be present then someone else may potentially fill the role. Has all the power of the chief but he/she may not overrule the Chiefs orders.

Tier 1 Rank: Heir
Description: Chosen child of the alpha pair to lead should anything happen to the alphas. Can issue orders, promote & demote, accept & deny members, but cannot do so until two years of age.

Tier 2 Rank: War chief
[b]Description: The beta warrior of the pack. They hold the power to accept & deny members, promote & demote with the Chiefs consent, and ought to be skilled in the art of war and fighting. The War Chief is the primary leader of the Warriors, and is expected to keep the Warriors well trained and ready to fight when necessary. Should always strive to keep their fighting skills sharp else they're at risk of being demoted.

Tier 2 Rank: Shaman
Description: The master Healer of the pack. Shaman's are special individuals who are believed to have the power of speaking to the stars and seeing into the future. They see messages everywhere within their environment. And so, the Chiefs and pack members may often look to them for guidance. This is a beta rank equal to the war chief, and holds as much power as the war chief as well. The Shaman is to be respected at all times.

Tier 3 Rank: Champions (infinite)
Description: The Champions are the best warriors out of the braves. Leads the charge with the War Chiefs when it's time to fight. Must be tested by the Tier 2 or higher wolves once a season to make sure they are capable of keeping their positions. Champions are expected to train rigorously in combat and navigation to ensure they are always fleet on foot and ready to fight for their pack.

Tier 3 Rank: Rangers
Description: Rangers are considered the packs best hunters! They've shown incredible skill, teamwork, sportsmanship, and that they can bring down even the most dangerous prey. They lead the gatherers in hunting expeditions, and may call pack hunts. Rangers are tested in a variety of fields to ensure they are always fit and ready, and to ensure they are capable of helping themselves or other hunters when a hunt go wrong.

Tier 3 Rank: Herbalists
Description: Disciples of the Shaman. They are the best healers out of the medics, have shown great promise and study hard beneath the Shaman. They excel in their field of study, and are great at what they do. Responsible for aiding entry level medics with their duties when required, as well as ensuring the wellbeing of the clan.

Tier 3 Rank: Scouts
Description: Scouts are a key part to our survival and protection. They are responsible for border patrols, and are lead messengers of the clan. They are the swiftest and most agile of our Runners, usually smaller members who are more nimble and fleet of foot. They can get from point A to point B pretty quickly, and are essentially the ones who keep a lookout for danger.

Tier 4 Rank: Braves
Description: The Warriors of the pack. They are the core protectors of the clan.

Tier 4 Rank: Gatherers
Tier 4 Rank: The hunters of the clan. They aid the Rangers with hunts, and may also help the healers in gathering herb supplies when needed. Gatherers are responsible for ensuring the clans needs are well met.

Tier 4 Rank: Medics
Description: The healers of the pack. When needed, they aid the Herbalists and the Shaman and are expected to train in their field. Medics are valuable assets to the clan, they are often sought after to for herbal remedies as well as advice when one is finding themselves in a crisis.

Tier 4 Rank: Runners
Description: Runners are the nimble messengers of our clan. They are fast and should be able to outspeed most. They deliver messages with the scouts, and may also patrol borders to ensure our safety and protection. Runners may aid in hunts to chase down the prey as well. And are usually sent out for emergency supplies at the discretion of the healers.

Tier 5 Rank: Natives
Description: The central body of the clan. These are members who have yet to choose a field, so they remain here until they decide what they wish to pursue.

Tier 5 Rank: Youths
Description: All members who are under two years of age will keep this rank,regardless of their skills. Once they reach two years, they may be promoted to Native unless they have chosen a field they wish to work in.

Tier 6 Rank: Captives
Description: Anyone who has decided to purposefully commit crimes against the clan are held here until a trial has taken place. This includes prisoners of war, hostile trespassers, and anyone who continuously seeks to harm a clan member.

Tier 6 Rank: Hostiles (unofficial Rank)
Description: Those who are unwelcome due to one reason or another, are placed in this list. Should they decide to cross pack lines, they are to be attacked on sight and brought to the Chief. Clan members are encouraged to refrain from socializing with those who are in this list, for they are there for a reason. If one is caught being friendly to a hostile, they will be questioned and potentially docked to Tier 5 or lower.

1. Loyalty to the pack is of utmost importance. Whether you are here long term or just for a little while, you are to respect everyone as if they were your own family. Disloyalty will result in you being ejected from the clan.

2. Respect is key in glaciem. Nurture what you sow, and you'll get what you give. It doesn't matter who it is, you must respect all members regardless of rank. If you have a quarrel with someone else, work it out or seek out a Tier 2 or higher to act as a mediator.

3. Strength as a unit will keep us thriving. As long as your training where and when you're expected to, you will find yourself rising up and being a valuable member of the clan.

4. Honor yourselves and the pack. Honor is something we highly value along with courage, so go forth with pride (but not ego), and you will become a great and respected champion in life!

5. Treason and treachery will be frowned upon for obvious reasons. If you wouldn't put your family in danger, don't do it to your clan. Those who actively seek to put the clan in danger will find themselves on trial, and may face punishment before being ejected and marked as a hostile.
Slavery is not something that glaciem condones.

6. Don't force claim unwilling creatures without good reason. If a hostile chooses to disrupt or harm us, then any member may initiative a force claim or call for a Tier 2 or higher. If someone chooses to disrespect our lands or members in harsh ways, maims and other forms of punishment may also be initiated.

7. The chief is to be obeyed at all times. Anyone who chooses to disobey or ignore orders, will have a talking to and then potentially ejected from the pack for a time and may not be allowed to come back until their sentence is up. Of course, Avalon is a fair and kind leader, so don't underestimate her if she chooses to forgive you the first time. It won't always happen.

8. Hard work and equal treatment is our key to thriving and your ticket to calling glaciem a home. Aid others with their duties if it's requested of you, and as long as you are doing that then there are no qualms. However, shirk your duties, and you may find yourself restricted from leaving the territory until you make up the work you've been ignoring.

9. Trespassers are not to be attacked unless acting with hostility. If met by a Tier 3 and below, please call a Tier 2 or higher so they can sort it out.

10. Don't give out any information that can be used against us. Glaciem is your family, so protect them. Anyone who seeks knowledge about the clan asides from our ways or what we are like, must speak with the chief. Give no names, for you never know when someone is actively seeking to harm a particular member.

11. Protect each other as you would yourself. We are peaceful, for the most part. We are merciful, and we are a generous family. But don't mistake us for pushovers.

12. Family is everything here in Glaciem. Whether you are related or not, you will treat each other as if you were. Don't fight among yourselves, sort it out peacefully or exert your frustration outside with someone not of the clan. If that doesn't work, you may speak with the Chief to resolve the issue.

13. Enemies are to be treated with caution, while allies are to be met with open arms. Don't purposefully endanger yourselves or your family by breaking alliances or pissing off our neighbors.

14. War is something that revolves around glaciem when required. If it doesn't involve us, then stay out of it. However, be at the ready at all times in the event we are called upon by our allies

(that's it for now! If glaciem gets through then I'll add and clean up c:)


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!