
without a light

Katja the First


8 Years
12-07-2015, 08:28 AM
katja awoke the morning after the blot feeling much less like time and space were eddying around her. She could not entirely shake the feeling of being in a dream, but the world around her seemed to have returned to normal.

Normal, but for one very important detail.

She was pregnant.

It was far, far too early to know physically, but she knew, deep in her bones. The wise one, the ancient one eyed male, had given her a promise. Her children, conceived in the throes of celebration, would bring greater prosperity to the line of the Finnvi than ever they had seen. It was no surprise to her that the Wanderer had chosen Laufey as his vessel - the only Finnvi of his generation, the young male was an asset to their bloodline. Her only surprise was that he had chosen her as the mother.

Her mind wandered to Raisa as she awoke with the knowledge of what grew within her. How surprised Raisa might be to know that she carried the children of the gods. She regretted that these children would never know the fierce, loving woman as Raisa's pups had known her. Raisa had many strengths, much knowledge that she could have shared with the pups, a warm, caring mentor to teach them the fire that Katja had admired within the former alpha. Maybe it was simply that Katja missed her. Whatever the reason, the Xanilov's absence weighed heavily upon her heart this day.

She moved to seat herself upon the edge of the gorge - she had returned safely to her den, though she could not remember how. The wind whistled cold and piercing around her, but she paid no heed to it as she gazed toward the rising sun that stained the sky and snow equally blood red.