
Restless Stroll



04-15-2013, 09:06 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

His answer took her quite by surprised, though it certainly explained why he was this far north. Of course he must have been seeking acceptance into the Glaciem; it was really the only reason anyone would have been up here, even in summer. She blinked in surprise and smiled still shyly, delighted but meekly so, and wagged her tail a little behind her at his news. "That's good," she answered happily if not quietly, and fell silent as Awaken went on to speak about the Glaciem wolf he had thus far met, a white male named Cifer. Mercianne had not met the wolf personally before, but she was sure she had seen him at gatherings, though she would have been hard pressed to single him out by name alone. With time, she hoped to be able to do that for each pack member, though, but that would be at a later date. In answer, she merely smiled again, lowering her eyes at the unexpected amusement of the idea. No doubt those most intimidating should be the ones greeting wanderers. It was a surefire deterrent for mischief at any rate. And she only hoped it never drove off any would-be good additions to their pack.

Taking to his paws, the wolf wandered around to the other side of the deer and seemed to give up the better portions in favor of those where he now stood, a subtle indication that he intended to share his kill with her. Still, she hesitated, swallowing a little as she eyed the deer and then the wolf who appeared to drift away in thought, not even touching the side of the deer he had chosen. Curious, and interested in his catch, Merci stepped forward once and then again, her attention becoming increasingly focused on Awaken the longer he seemed to lose sense of the present and get sucked into his thoughts quite wholly. She made no comment about it, did nothing to draw him out, but waited, figuring it to be a safer route than possibly startling him with words.

Eventually he did emerge, almost violently so, as a drop of melted snow from the tree above broke through is reverie. He seemed embarrassed by what he had done, zoning out as he had, and he apologized for it. Though Mercianne hardly felt an apology was needed - he was not gone for so very long and neither was he hurting anyone or anything - but the reality of it for him seemed to be much more serious than she seemed to understand. As he requested her secrecy, her brow lowered over her dark brown eyes, curiosity and a slight nervousness mingling there. "Yes?" she answered, unsure what he should need her to keep secret and a little anxious over what it might be.

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