
Hey You, With The Face

Mercy I


5 Years

12-07-2015, 04:23 PM

Her full on chest slam would miss, although her right shoulder would sink into the very center of his chest. She felt a minor bruise spread across the front of her own right shoulder from the impact, but it was not nearly enough to slow her down at all. For whatever reason, the male brought his head closer to her jaws, moving her bite from his throat to the left side of his face. Growling, she bit down on her new positioning as hard as she possibly could. Her top jaws were just above his left ear, her bottom jaws cutting into his left cheek. Not wanting to lose a hold she tried to lock her jaws down, before Mercy viciously shook her head back and forth to do further damage. When Mercy's right foreleg missed its mark as well she slammed her paw back down to the ground, adjusting her weight so that it was once again even.  Einarr kept pushing into her but Mercy held solid, shifting her weight to her front legs to stand against his heavier stature. She was far from done with this male, she would leave him with some nice marks to remember her by.

Mercy's defenses remained solid, her ears pressed firmly against her skull and her purple eyes remained narrowed. All four legs were bent slightly, toes spread as her claws bit into the terrain. Her tail was still aligned with her spine, weight evenly spread across all four legs. Her shoulders rolled forward, lips curled into a snarl. Mercy tried to keep her legs as evenly spread as possible, refusing to be moved by the larger brute. Size wasn't everything.

Einarr tore his face away from Mercy, and she hoped that her teeth left a nice deep mark for that stupid move. He was still pushing into her though, and with a playful smile on her blood stained lips, Mercy attempted to rear upwards, hoping that with his forward momentum he would land on his face underneath her. Her weight adjusted to her hind legs to keep her balanced, her defenses staying in place as best as she could keep them. Her chin tucked towards her chest to protect her exposed vitals, belly muscles tensing just in case he got any ideas. Her front legs tucked towards her chest, avoiding the bite that Einarr had tried to place on her right front leg. Hoping to catch him before he could raise his head again, Mercy's own head tilted towards her left, parting jaws seeking the top of Einarr's muzzle. She hoped to clench her teeth around his upper jaw, giving her full control of his head. Her top jaw were aimed for the right side of his upper jaw, her bottom jaw towards the left side of his upper jaw. Mercy intended to bite down hard and achieve a grip, hoping that her teeth would bite through his thin lips and sink painfully into his upper gums. Her jaws were aimed for the mid point of his upper jaw. At the same time Mercy tried to push her head towards the ground, hopefully tipping Einarr closer to the ground with this force. Her front limbs sought to aid her in her downward push, her left front leg hoping to drape across the right side of his neck as her right front leg did the same to the left side of his neck. Hoping to catch him in a bear hold, Mercy hopefully stopped any movement he intended as well as helping her try to push the larger males front half into the ground.

Round 2 of 2


Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.