
And let the doorknob hitya where the good Lord splitya!



3 Years
Extra large
12-07-2015, 06:19 PM

Minty green eyes rested on the woman as she spoke, and even though his heart jumped at her words he found his eyes narrowing slightly. There was something about her that made him uncomfortable, and unsure if he could trust her. It seemed silly to be called Magpie, and have a bird by the name of Wolf. A huff left his maw, and he looked towards the larger male with a hopeful look. He didn't seem to know her either, and his shoulders sagged downwards. He needed to find her before their mother passed away from this sickness, they needed a chance to say goodbye to her. He knew that Mercy wasn't close with their dame, but... she must want to fix things before they were too late. Falling to his rump with the weight of his disappointment, ears tightly pressed to his skull, his head hung low for a moment. He wished that he could trust the spotted woman, but there was something in his gut that told him she was lying. But maybe... just maybe. "Please, its important. Do you? Know her for sure?" he rumbled, a certain edge of desperation in his voice. "She has a brother. Another one." It was an open statement, but maybe if this woman knew his name he could tell that she was telling the truth. From what Othello had told him, Mercy and Revenge were very close. Surely they went everywhere together. He shrugged his shoulders at the question that she had asked though, dismissing it entirely. It would seem that they both needed to find someone that no one knew anything about.


Art by Acrylic