
Tainted with rage



4 Years
Dire wolf
12-07-2015, 06:34 PM

He wasn't really sure why he had even bothered coming to this part of the land, it was obvious from the moment the giant stepped in that this was no place for a pack. There were so many spiders around that he felt like they were crawling around his skin, and the brute shook himself. He was without his garland of roses around his shoulders, having left them behind to do some more exploring. His dual-toned eyes narrowed at the creatures that scattered with each slam of his massive paw, and he snorted in their direction. He knew to be careful though, back home there were spiders that held enough venom to kill a wolf -- even one as large as himself. So he looked out for the more brightly coloured ones, knowing that they were usually the ones that held a bite with more sting behind it. He was tempted to just turn and head to another part, but he was truly curious. With this many dangers around, there was usually a treasure hidden within it. One of the spiders eyed him before skittering towards him, a bight red spot on its belly. With a hiss, Gwen rose a paw and easily stepped on the bug, crushing it under his weight before it could bite him. Damned bugs, maybe he should have turned back when he could...

As he made a move to turn away, another being caught his gaze. He let his eyes cast around the other male, picking up his coat of mostly white. His breath hissed between his teeth, even though there was black on this being he was mostly white. Abomination! He was older too, well over a year old. Growling, Gwenaël stalked forward, his massive brown shoulders rolled forward. "A cursed being like you should have been killed at birth, how the hell are you still alive?" he grumbled in his deep baritone, standing much taller than him. He looked down at the other male, lips pulling back into a snarl. Maybe not a treasure, but a good wolf to sacrifice to his gods. How a white wolf lived this long was a mystery to him, and he needed to rectify it.

"talk" 'think' "you"