
Roses blossom from thy tears


04-21-2013, 01:28 PM
Thane had slept in this morning and had woken up to the birds cheerful singing. It was already starting to get hot but that was no worry. With a yawn the brute made his way out of the den as he stretched his legs once he was outside. Aqua blue eyes looked around as he wondered where Ookami was; either he had slept too late or she had gone up and about a bit early this morning. With that the wolf shook out his gray and black fur as he then sat on his haunches.

"Такое прекрасное утро"(What a beautiful morning) he said in his first language.

With a calm look on his face the male decided what he should do this morning. What was he to face today? what new soul would he meet? what place would he go to? so many questions raced on in his mind but this was just the morning, no need to rush.

White lined ears perked up as he listened to the songs of the birds. Where was his companion Cyril this morning? Last night the eagle had been last seen perched on the branch of the nearest tree. Cyril had probably gone on a little joy flight about the land; surely he would be back later.

Next Thane focused his aqua blue eyes on the foliage nearby, perhaps he should catch himself some breakfast. then another thought came to mind; should Ookami appear then they could both catch something to eat.

Thane began to stretch once more as he let out another yawn. There were so many things to do today, but now he wondered how he would start it off.