
Changes in the Tide

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
12-08-2015, 12:22 AM
Shaye crept into the den, feeling awfully young and small. She saw that her mother and father where both awake and murmuring softly to themselves. She gently pushed her way into their huddle, wanting to be closer to more then just one of them at a time. "Daddy" she said softly, and just the word falling from her lips returned all her emotions to her. She didn't know how to help. The herbs she had given him for sickness where clearly doing nothing for him. She was out of her depths and helpless. She was failing her daddy when he needed her most. She bit back tears, wishing for the support of Arcus or Lillie well she struggled had struggled through these terrible few days. Every day that came and past showed no sign if improvement in her daddy. Still he was cold, and his rapidly loss of body weight simply terrified her. "Mummy. I think daddy needs to be moved south back to his home lands. It's warm, and familiar, and, and, I don't know what else to suggest" she sniffed, her voice breaking. She tucked her nose under one of shai's large paws, looking up at him with wide and frightened eyes. Never in her life had shaye felt so utterly hurt and confused.


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