
When Biting is Not Enough

Mercy I


5 Years

12-08-2015, 12:48 AM

And so Mercy waited, and waited. She grew frustrated, were they all scared of her or something? Damn, she just wanted a good fight, maybe a bit of humping after. Was that really too hard to find in this damn land? Growling to herself she scanned the horizon again, about to give up. That was, until a darker furred beast got caught staring at her. Mercy flashed him a challenging grin, a single brow raising in question. Well, was he going to come and attack her, or not? Mercy was sick of the whole 'woman first' thing, she didn't need the advantage of the first move. She just wanted to sink her teeth into someone's pretty hide. And this one looked good enough to her. Her head tilted slightly as she appraised him, he seemed like a rather grumpy fellow! Oh well, that would all change once they started to fight. Her skin was on fire, the anticipation of blood being spilled making her almost giddy. Oh come on, bring it on! And then finally, finally the big oaf made his charge.

Mercy quickly settled into her defenses, falling into a fighters stance with ease in the few short moments she had. Ears pinned to her skull as her purple eyes narrowed, legs set an equal distance apart from each other. Her toes spread as her claws bit into the frozen earth, each limb bending ever so slightly. Her tail rose to align with her spine, her head lowering to do the same thing, chin tipping towards her chest. Mercy's shoulders rolled forward as her hackles stood on end, lips snarling as her jaws parted with a growl. Bring it on bitch! She was so ready for this.

The male was only an inch taller than herself, and for a moment it left Mercy stunned. She was so used to fighting much taller opponents, even at her height, that she was at a loss of what to do. Because of her momentary distraction she was left scrambling as she realized that Gethin was almost upon her. Quickly, Mercy took two side steps towards her own right, but it was all she could do before he slammed into her. Because of her slight movement and her own jutted out shoulders, Gethin's right shoulder slammed into the front of her left shoulder. She hissed as the moderate bruise spread across her shoulder, and could only hope that her own shoulder would do some damage to him as well. Mercy caught sight of his neck trying to wrap around her so that he could bite behind her, but not on her watch! Quickly moving her head towards her own right, Mercy's jaws shot out and attempted to catch Gethin's jaws before he could land his bite. (COUNTER) Mercy's top jaw was aimed for his own upper jaw, her teeth aiming to sink into the upper bridge of his nose, about two inches up from his nose. Mercy's bottom jaw was aimed for his own bottom jaw, her teeth trying to pierce the sensitive underside of the jaw. The dame hoped to bite down hard enough to snap his jaws together, and was aiming to keep them closed with a tight grip, giving her full control of his jaws. At the same time Mercy lifted her front right paw, attempting to bring it over Gethin's front left paw, hoping to slam it down on top of his toes. Mercy was aiming to do enough damage to crack some of the toes and make it painful to put his full weight on that limb, setting him off balance. Mercy's purple eyes tried to find his bloody gaze, and there was nothing but lust and delight burning in their depths. This is what she lived for.

Mercy vs Gethin for Spar
Round 1 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.