



5 Years
12-08-2015, 02:00 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

She had not known whether Glacier would be able to pick up on what she was trying to tell him. It was all rather new to her too, and it had taken Lior to point it out to her that there was a difference there at all. Anais half expected needing to explain it, and was currently preparing herself for it when she glanced at him from the corner of her eye and did a double take. There was a decidedly puzzled look to his expression, but it quickly transformed, altered to something new as she spoke. Did he know now? Did he understand why she was so nervous to talk to him, the secret that she had been harboring all to herself since she had spoken with Lior?

Anxiously she bit her lip, waiting and watching as the typically calm exterior of her mate changed and became more animated, almost as animated as her own was on a daily basis. Oh goodness, he must know now! Why else would he look like that, look at her like that, unless he knew and the news was exceedingly happy for him to receive? It eased the last of the nervous energy that had been lingering within her, and she laughed, quickly and quietly, as she smiled for the first time in earnest.

The sound of his voice as he spoke her name, so full of wonder and excitement it was almost unrecognizable, caused her heart to swell with the love that she felt for him, caused her golden eyes to mist slightly with unshed tears. Why in the world had she ever thought to be nervous about this? Of course he was going to be happy, of course he was going to be ecstatic. She should have known. Hardly able to talk around the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat, Anais merely nodded her head as she smiled at Glacier, her lip wobbling as she tried to see his expression through the happy tears in her eyes.
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.