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Oh Look Its a Contest!



4 Years
12-08-2015, 04:06 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2015, 07:30 PM by Varda.)
Alpha: Varda Destruction
Proposed name: Valinor ('the guarded realm')
Proposed color: #228B22
Proposed lands: Sunset Falls, Redbud Nook

Why You Should Vote for Me:

Firstly, I believe Valinor differs from other packs as it includes two different systems of government. Yes, there is the obvious monarchy, however there is also a bit of democracy, where adults may vote for two wolves to represent them in the High Council. Members have some freedom of speech, and may lodge formal complaints to these wolves if they feel like they have been treated unfairly.

Secondly, Valinor offers many opportunities for the pack members to interact with each other and really be a pack. Some packs just offer festivals, though as well as that, Valinor organises many other exciting, social events. Although there are those of 'royal blood', the pack urges togetherness, cooperation and unity, as you can tell.

Well, what about me? As my third point, I'd like to state that I see Valinor as an active pack with an equally active alpha. Yes, this is my first attempt at a pack though I've spent a part of my past year and a half here on Ala studying the requirements and responsibilities of having an alpha character. I believe I'll be able to handle the obligation and ensure Valinor stays afloat for a long time, especially with my summer break starting next week.

Plus, all these names are Elvish. Who doesn't like Elvish?


"And as they looked and wondered this World began to unfold its history, and it seemed to them that it lived and grew."

Valinor is an empire of a lawful good alignment, striving for peace and balance between its own members and neighbouring packs. It is also a scholarly pack that encourages education in many fields and learning beyond the limits to your potential. Loyalty, unity and teamwork is of dire importance to Valinor, as it ensures keeps the pack together and strong. Valinor takes pride in its democratic systems, where all the people can voice their opinions and influence the leader's decisions. Though do not underestimate Valinor's placid nature; the pack is equally as assertive, willing to use their forces to defend their beliefs.


Tier 1 Rank: Eru (1)
Description: The ruler of Valinor. Though they are a leader, they are not a dictator. They are wise with their decisions and must consult the Valar before implementing anything. They must be considerate of the people, and willing to listen to their suggestions and views.

Tier 1 Rank: Aryon (1)
Description: The heir that Valinor will be passed to when the Eru falls or retires, chosen at a young age to begin training in all three fields plus diplomacy. This member is most likely to be the offspring of the Eru, though if no suitable child can be found, a Hini may be selected.

Tier 2 Rank: Valar (2)
Description: The Valar make up the High Council of Valinor, the equivalent of betas with the power to accept or deny members, promote or demote members and negotiate trades and alliances between packs. They are voted by the members to represent the people, and work closely with the Eru to make important decisions. Should the Eru and Aryon be unable to lead, the pack falls to these two wolves in an alpha partnership.

Tier 3 Rank: Káno (meaning 'commander') (1)
Description: The lead warrior of Valinor, responsible for training the Ohtar and leading the warriors when it is time for battle. They are the strongest member of the pack and most knowledgeable in the field of fighting.

Tier 3 Rank: Idhren (meaning 'wise, thoughtful') (1)
Description: The lead healer of Valinor, responsible for training the Dol and ensuring the pack stays healthy. They are the most knowledgeable in the field of healing.

Tier 3 Rank: Nigrin (meaning 'stealthy') (1)
Description: The lead hunter of Valinor, responsible for training the Feredir and ensuring the pack is well-fed. They are the most knowledgable in the field of hunting.

Tier 3 Rank: Tyelca (meaning 'swift, agile') (1)
Description: The lead messenger of Valinor, responsible for training the Dronúrin and ensuring messages are safely received between packs. They are the most knowledgable in the field of messaging.

Tier 4 Rank: Ohtar (∞)
Description: The warriors of Valinor - the pack's protection. At times of war they must use their skills strengthened by pack trainings to defend or attack.

Tier 4 Rank: Dol (∞)
Description: The healers of Valinor - the pack's antidote. Should a member fall ill, they must heal them to the best of their ability. Young healers' analyses and prescriptions must be overseen by a senior healer. Any operations must be performed by the most experienced healers, while the less knowledgable healers may watch and assist. If a plague arises in the pack it is their sworn oath to contain the disease and work together to discover a cure. Under any circumstance can they neglect a sick member; doing so can result in a demotion.

Tier 4 Rank: Feredir (∞)
Description: The hunters of Valinor - the pack's steadfast team. Though they hunt and feed the pack, they must work together in their hunts, especially in the winter months. As well as prey, they are expected to collect other materials such as water and bedding, and assist the healers in restocking their supplies. These wolves eat last, as the elders, pups and nursing parents hold the highest priority to be fed.

Tier 4 Rank: Dronúrin (∞)
Description: The messengers of Valinor - the swiftest of the pack. Their role is to carry out messages to other packs and deliver important information. They must explore the outer territories and know their way around the continent as well as the quickest routes from place-to-place. They must not share confidential information with other members of Valinor; doing so will result in a demotion. Keep your lips sealed, messengers!

Tier 5 Rank: Gwaith (∞)
Description: The people of Valinor above the age of a year - those who have yet to choose a rank. Newcomers are placed at this position when they are first accepted.

Tier 5 Rank: Eruhini (∞)
Description: The children of the Eru, watched carefully when an heir is required to be selected.

Tier 5 Rank: Hini (∞)
Description: The other children, in a way no different from the Eruhini.

Tier 5 Rank: Ontaro (∞)
Description: The mothers (or fathers) who have stepped down from their position to nurse their young. They are expected to look after other pups, care for the other parents and help out in a birthing. When pups are a year old, parents must earn their rank back, especially if it is a high one. If they do not succeed their test, they will undergo short training to revise their memory before returning to their position once more.

Tier 5 Rank: Einior (∞)
Description: The elderly of the pack. Whether they have retired due to old age or a crippling sickness, they are to be respected. Because of their service to Valinor, they may enjoy a peaceful retirement. However, they are welcome to attend trainings to shed their knowledge and wisdom onto the younger generations.

Tier 6 Rank: Ndengin (∞)
Description: The slaves of the pack, whether they are prisoners of war or those who have committed the foulest of crimes. One member does not own a slave for themselves; the whole pack owns them. They have little freedom - only fed the bare minimum and watched warily. They may challenge for their freedom and if they win they are exiled from the pack. However, Valinor believes in redemption and are willing to give slaves a second chance if they successfully go through their rehabilitation.  

Tier 6 Rank: Edledhron (∞)
Description: The exiled, the banished. They must never return to Valinor. Those patrolling the borders must keep a wary eye out for them. If caught trespassing, they are to be maimed without hesitation.


The Eru's word is final: Accept it. The Eru does their best to hear the people's opinions and views before making a final decision, and these can change over time. So if you have an issue...

Handle issues maturely: Have a problem? Don't bicker about it. The last thing Valinor needs are friendly bonds broken because of unnecessary fights. Avoid making accusations and dragging other pack-mates into your issue. Open Forums are there for you to peacefully raise your opinion, not to argue and quarrel with others. If you truly feel like you have been treated unfairly, please address this problem privately to the Valar, who will pass it on to the Eru.

When taking a mate: It is preferred that your mate is from the pack, as it makes life so much easier. However, taking mates from outside the pack isn't forbidden either, though complicated. Those outside must be willing to join the the pack before pups may be conceived. If not, you disregard the mate or leave, so decide where your loyalties lie. It's not likely you'll be welcomed back either, if you choose to return.

When expecting pups: Consult with the Eru before conceiving. It may seem embarrassing though it's better than explaining your careless actions later. This is as a precaution to avoid the pack from overpopulating, however the pack may lack members so more children may be encouraged.

Model virtues: Valinor is not a gang nor should it be treated as such, therefore it is mandatory that all wolves within the pack behave appropriately. Work hard, be ambitious, help out those in need and remain honest in your actions. Above all, teamwork is of dire importance. Without unison, Valinor falls. So respect your fellow pack-mates, accept their differences and come together to create the unanimous empire that Valinor strives to be, strengthened by the compassion and cooperation.

- Prove your worth: Challenging for any rank is forbidden. If you wish to lead a field, work hard in trainings and show the Eru what you are truely capable of doing. Display your dedication and loyalty and you will be rewarded. While the Eru can appoint new field leaders, they cannot choose the new Valar. So if this is the rank you strive to hold, go out and do! Please the people, for they decide your fate.

Knowledge is power: Valinor is a scholarly pack and supports learning in many fields. Even if you are hunter, you are welcome to attend healing or fighting trainings on top of your regular training. These trainings only come once a season, so it is encouraged that you practice with other members. The smarter, the better. Pups must attend every training to ensure they have a head-start to education and  know which field they excel in. With that being said...

Know your obligations: All wolves must show up for meetings and required training unless you have a genuine reason to skip. Even so, it's ideal to catch up on what you missed. Slacking is not acceptable; put in a 100% effort. The same applies for organising trainings. Those of a Tier 3 position must hold a training once an OOC month. If you can't handle your responsibilities, step down from your position or risk being punished.

These are the laws: So follow them. They aren't said just for the sake of saying them.


Voting: Those who are over the age of 1 year are expected to vote every two seasons for the new Valar. Any adult (over 1 year) may nominate themselves for these positions, though keep in mind that these two wolves must be well-educated, willing to represent the people of Valinor and contribute positively to the Eru's decisions. Current Valar may keep their position if they are voted in, though be wary, the people are watching you. Any mistake and you risk this respected rank!
Open Forums: These are the meetings of Valinor, held every season. All members come together to listen to the Eru's news before the people are able to raise their opinions in a sensible manner. Rioting or protesting is not allowed; this is a peaceful get-together to discuss important matters and to ensure your voice is heard.
Closed Forums: Otherwise known as meetings of the High Council, made up of the Eru, Aryon and Valar. The Valar discuss with the Eru about the topics mentioned in the recent Open Forum and address the issues brought up by the people whilst the heir is there to develop an understanding of such meetings for the future. Sometimes the leader of a field may be summoned for such meetings, if the matter concerns them.
Marriage: No matter whose marriage it is, they are always grand and magnificent. Everyone is expected to help out in the organisation. The day begins with a ceremony and the declaration of vows before a feast caught by the Ferendir of the pack and a social.
Festivals: A time for the pack to get together and bathe with pride in recent successes. Allied packs may be invited as well, so it's an ideal opportunity to learn from others. Festivals may include sparring contests for the warriors, hunting competitions for the hunters, healing expeditions for the healers, treasure hunts for the children, plenty of games for everyone to enjoy, a social period to mingle and the usual feast.
Coronation Day: Though rare, it is the most important event of them all. It is the formal ceremony of the current Eru passing their power down to their heir and crowning the new leader. A celebration it is, to welcome the new ruler and congratulate the previous Eru as they retire.