
We're going to the chapel and we're gonna be maaaaarried



9 Years
Athena I
12-08-2015, 09:20 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 09:20 AM by Leo.)

Some time would pass after his call faded into silence and he would be surprised by the first guests to arrive, looking up with his tail wagging behind him as he watched Riv and Arian coming to join him. "Good morning, Riv! I can't wait for you to meet her either, Arian," he'd respond to them both cheerfully. Sure enough, the next to arrive was none other than Svetlana and he looked at her lovingly and would lean over to nuzzle her cheek as she sat next to him. "Svet, this is my sister Arian and Rivaxorus, one of my nephews," he'd explain as an introduction before looking to Arian with a smile. "Arian, this is Svetlana."

He would see Bright Moon appear out of the corner of his eye and he'd look over to see the female sitting off to the side toward the back of the area. He'd give her a cheerful smile all the same and a nod of greeting as well. Next was his sister in law and one of her sons, and he'd look to her curiously as she came up to him, explaining that she had forced Amalia to stay in the den because of sickness. He was a little disappointed to not have his sister here for the wedding, but he understood and knew that he would much rather have Amalia resting and getting over her sickness than out here in the cold. "That's alright, Athena! No hard feelings," he'd reply with a chuckle. He'd be sure to go say hi to his sister later.

As Athena went to sit with Tiburtius, he looked up and saw his niece Holly hopping toward them and he'd look at her with amused curiosity as she came toward them with a plant dangling from her mouth. She'd greet them with muffled words before placing it at their paws and explaining to Svetlana that it was mistletoe. He had to laugh and glanced to Svetlana with a slight grin. "This is my niece, Holly," he'd explain before he turned his gaze back down to Holly and leaned down to her to place a thankful nuzzle on her cheek. "Thank you, sweetie, that's really sweet of you." He watched her go over to sit with her mother and sibling with a chuckle.

He looked over to see Arivae heading toward them and he blinked with surprise when he saw the bundle hanging from her muzzle. She came over to place it in front of them with a cheerful congratulations. He peeked into the big leaf curiously, seeing all the little gifts and trinkets inside. "Thank you, Arivae! That's so kind of you!" he replied, his tail wagging as he gave her a big grin. He raised a brow curiously as he watched her whisper something to Svetlana before giving him a mischievous look. He looked to Svet with a curious glance and a chuckle before he let his gaze wnader back to the crowd, seeing Arivae lean into Tib. Ah, so they were still close! Even closer than he remembered by the looks of it. He was glad to see that. He was sure that Tib needed someone about as much as he needed Svetlana with all of his brothers being gone and his mothers having pups.

He would be pulled away from his thoughts by his mother's arrival, his smile matching hers as their blue gazes met. The words she whispered to him very nearly brought tears to his eyes. All he had been working for since he took over Fiori was to make it into something that his mother could be happy with and to make her proud. His first thought after asking Svetlana to marry him was wondering if his mother would be happy with his choice. Hearing her say that she was proud of him was the best wedding gift he could ever ask for. "Thank you," he replied just as softly, pressing his nose to her cheek in return. Now that his mother was here he could look around at the crowd, saying softly to Svetlana, "I guess we can get started, hm?"

He'd raise his voice so everyone could hear him, a smile lingering on his lips. "Thank you everyone for coming, for your kind words, and your gifts. It means so much to me and I'm sure it means just as much to Svetlana. Everyone here feels like a member of my family to me, related or not, so I wanted to share this moment with all of you." He'd pause with a glance toward Svetlana to let her say anything if she'd like and then would look to his mother then with a little smile. "Would you like to do the honors, Mother?"

"Talk" "You" Think