



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-08-2015, 11:33 AM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 12:38 PM by Mithras.)

Mithras couldn't help but grin at the chaos he'd caused. He tried to suppress it (kind of) because somewhere in his heart of hearts he knew he shouldn't be encouraging his kind of behavior in his daughters but honestly. It was just too perfect. And besides, they had Aeris blood, it was practically inevitable anyways! they were going to be hellions, so he might as well make sure they did it right. Faria had crept from the den sometimes after the ensuing chaos, and he worried for a moment that he had woken her up. She would murmur to him, "They really love you," and for some reason those words brought a lump up into his throat that he had trouble swallowing around. "Er, yeah, well-" he began awkwardly before coughing a bit, still assaulted by the damn lump. "Who wouldn't love me? I'm me." He hoped the sarcasm would cover up his damn emotions. Luckily, the girls seemed set on trying their best to distract them both.

Iskra appeared at last, trailing at her mother's heels and seeming quite perturbed that her older siblings had found fun to have without her. Mithras would lean down and tickle the scarlet fur of her flank with his nose, hoping to make her giggle. "Arry and Leto are being silly, don't you think? They're fighting over that tuft of fur I brought home." He wondered if she would join in. Iskra didn't seem as... well, as prone to violence and drastic measures as the older girls were. He was certain one day he'd be thanking her for it. He looked back up to see Artemis and Leto both dashing towards the scrap, and unless he was mistaken there was an evil glint in Leto's eyes...

"Talk" "You" Think

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!