
a þing of splendor

Katja the First


8 Years
12-08-2015, 12:48 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 01:19 PM by Katja the First.)

The season was well begun, and, Katja judged, it was well past time to call her pack together. She had much to do, and now that the raiding season had passed and the lean season begun it was time to do it. Vereux was still missing, and with Warja gone and Kassander still in Abaven they were greatly short of several necessary skill sets that would need filling one way or another. She was also certain now of her pregnancy, and knew that before long it would become difficult to function as well as she had before. She was old for a first litter, and had no knowledge of how or when it would effect her. She would carry on regardless, but there would need to be changes.

She judged the day to be clear, and fair for a northern winter. The sun was shining, albeit weakly, and there wasn't even a breeze to disturb the two feet of soft powdered snow that had fallen all night. She plowed through the chest-deep powder with grim determination, but quickly realized that the drifts were just too much for any but the tallest among them to handle, and surely not the young of the pack. Rather than continuing on to the usual meeting place she turned in her tracks and returned to the gorge to tamp down a wide circle in the snow within the gorge itself. Satisfied, she lifted her head, and called out for the pack to gather themselves, from the pups to the elders and all between - the season's þing had begun.


deadline to post here is Friday. It's short notice but I want to make sure everyone is paying attention to what happens in the pack. Any wolf who doesn't show up will not be very pleased with the result.