
a þing of splendor



4 Years
12-08-2015, 01:20 PM
Neith and her tailless child were out on a bit of an adventure when the call for the pack sounded. The Moria woman decided that morning to bring the quickly growing girl out into the snow for a good time. Eisleif enjoyed the snow considerably, it seemed to be one of only a few sources of laughter from her daughter. Neith couldn't deny that her child was somewhat odd compared to other pups. She was kind of quiet, obviously curious but not one to come right out and play. She was... serious. While this wasn't really a problem Neith was worried because of this nature she might miss out on certain opportunities. So the worried mother did her best to think of games. While Neith had trouble entertaining her child Laufey did not. Eisleif was a totally different pup when she was with her father, so as they made their way towards Katja's call she wouldn't help but to wonder to herself what Eis might be like in a meeting with the whole of the pack.

Mother and daughter would appear from the woods, and would quietly find their way to the meeting place. With her head held no higher than even with her shoulders the silver marked woman would approach the Finnvi leader, "Hello, Dróttin." After a word from Eisleif the woman would lead her child a few lengths away, leaving room for those of higher rank than she to sit beside their leader. With a quick nod to the other wolf who'd arrived just before her and Eis the Friðla would coil her haunches and wait patiently. Neith's vibrant gaze would search for Laufey's tall form.