
Don't Let Your Demons Hide



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
12-08-2015, 03:45 PM

Everything was pouring into her mind. Arian, her poking feeling of betrayal, fighting her former pack mate...she hadn't gotten the motion from the other like she had hoped, but with her fighting inexperience it was to be expected. Her leg draped over her back, sliding off then as she saw Akemi's legs bunch beneath her. Releasing her bite on the woman, she quickly pulled her head back, her chin tucking in reflex as if a fly had whizzed past her vision. She took a quick step back, allowing a little bit of room for her to attempt a counter. With jaws parted, she sought to bite Akemi's head between her ears, twisting her head downward at a slight leftward angle. Lower fangs sought to slice closer to Akemi's left torn ear, while her top fangs sought to slice closer to Akemi's right torn ear in hopes of deflecting Akemi's headbutt [counter]. The force of Akemi's attack, however, would bruise Avalon's nose and leave it sore, but not enough to keep her from going on.

Keeping her defenses in place, her ears remained pinned to her skull, amber orbs narrowed, muzzle wrinkling and jaws parted, her hackles were raised as her tail was flagged out, aligning with her spine. Her toes were spread, nails biting the dirt for traction and stability, her weight redistributed as her right paw touched back down on the ground, legs hip and shoulder width apart. Her knees were bent, bringing her closer to the ground. Her neck was scrunched, her shoulders rolled forward to add protection to her neck.

Avalon would try to keep in motion, her lifting herself slightly off the ground, she sought to bring her forelegs up and would attempt to wrap them around Akemi's neck like a bear hug. Her left foreleg sought to wrap around Akemi's right side, and her right foreleg sought to wrap around her left. Simultaneously, she would shove off the ground, hind legs bunching slightly as she attempted to propel herself forward, hopefully having attained the bear hug grip, and sought to slam her center  chest squarely into Akemi's face. Akemi's attempt at breaking her toes would bode unsuccessful, however, Avalon attained mild welts as Akemi's rapid motion and claws slid down Avalon's left foreleg, adding mild bruising to the mix.

~Fight Stats~

Avalon versus Akemi for Spar of heartbreaking doom

Round/Move: 2/3


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