
Hey You! Yeah You! Plot With Me!



7 Years
12-08-2015, 05:05 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 06:05 PM by Cesar.)
Hey there. It's me. Here are my characters, let's thread You can click their names for their profiles :U Iskra's a baby right now and will pretty much just be in one area in Ala, and close to her parents, so unless you've got family and wanna thread, she's kinda out of the picture rn P: However, I super wanna get more into Nagendra, Svet, and Cesar. Cesar needs more threads so he can get to 50 posts for the pack contest ;D Let's goooooo!

Nagendra Bahri
Chaotic Good ▪ 4 years old ▪ Bisexual ▪ Single ▪ Imperium ▪ Consocia (Venatrix)

About: A very laid back guy. He's kind of spiritual and enjoys a good meditation here and there. He's very kind, doesn't fight, and is always interested in making friends with everyone (and "making friends" with everyone, if ya know what I mean >:3). He's real flirty and loves sex, although he's good for stuff beyond one night stands - he likes to get to know people too :]

Plot wishlist: More bangin' buddies a harem would be nice, more skill practice (hunting and navigation, mostly looking at hunting right now), more pack involvement (let's meet some packmates, yeah?), some deeper relationships, and more friends in general. Anything else is good too, really. Those are just what I'm most excited about c:

Cesar Gallus
Chaotic Evil ▪ 7 years old ▪ Asexual ▪ Single ▪ Loner  

About: Running for pack contest pres 2015 oAo Woowoo! Butuhm, so, he's crazy. Violent, nasty, generally friendly but still p unpleasant to be around just 'cause ew. If ya make friends with him, you're sure to have a fun time right up until the moment you don't! 8D That is, when he tries to kill you so he can keep you forever 8] It's a nice sentiment though, isn't it? Butanyways, uhh, he's generally pretty unpredictable - hates kids and will probably try to pick on anyone smaller than he is (which you don't really have to worry about since he's tinytiny, but... if he gets the opportunity).

Plot wishlist: Everything. He just needs to meet more wolves. I also maaaybe want a spar or two - only like a little 2 round one. I need to start getting up his fighting skill. But fights also stress me out >__> It might also be fun to get him a very close cohort he can go trash the countryside with 8U Or anywhere, really.

Svetovid Bane
Chaotic Neutral ▪ 3 years old ▪ Heterosexual ▪ Single ▪ Loner

About: Really grumpy. Always scowling. Kind of an asshole - although, if you can get through his tough exterior he's just a guy with feelings like everyone else ;c Just trying to not get hurt more. But rlly don't expect to get through that tough exterior much, or quickly unless you're a cute girl. And uhhh, he's been going through Ala looking for his sister, Lirika, to little avail, and he's about ready to give up at this point.

Plot wishlist: A pack - he's pretty much given up looking for his sister, and his now lowkey thinking about trying to find a place to belong. Maaaaybe some spars to work on his fighting skill, and some herb hunting and whatnot for his healing skill :] And in general I just need him to get out more and meet more wolves!

Iskra Aeris
True neutral ▪ 1 season old ▪ ? ▪ Loner

About: A baby. Threads with her are only for family right now c;

Plot wishlist: N/A
*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.