
Crucible Ancora



9 Years
Athena I
12-08-2015, 08:31 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2015, 03:42 PM by Leo.)

Name: Crucible Ancora

Gender: Male

Age: 6 years

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance: The pale ivory hue of his mother is the main color that covers a large portion of his body. A warm tan comes in to cover the bottom half of his tail, most of his back legs, and the underside of his stomach. The same tan coloring covers the bridge of his nose and the outer edges of the tips of his ears. A dark charcoal bordering on the edge of black brings in markings similar to those of his siblings. This dark hue covers the top of his tail and comes up to form a stripe along the top of his back. This stripe then splits at his scruff and comes down to outline the curve of the front of his shoulders as well as the edge of the backs of his thighs. The black creates a separation between the white on his haunches and the tan that covers his back legs as well as covering both of his front paws up to his ankles. The final markings on his form is the line of black covering the fronts of both forelegs and the dark, pointed markings under each of his eyes. His eyes are a pale shade of green, matching the hue you might see in on sage leaves. He stands thirty eight inches tall and is every bit as heavily built as he is tall. His build is sturdy and strong and he carries a thick, fluffy tri-colored coat.

Personality: Quiet. Caring. Protective. Loyal. Afraid of Weakness. Self Sacrificing.
This is a quiet and stoic man at almost all times. For him, a small smile could be the equivalent to all out jubilation for others. If his eyes glisten with tears know that inside his heart is breaking in two. His internal emotions rarely fully show on the outside, nor will he speak very often unless prompted. Despite this, he truly has a huge heart and cares deeply for each wolf he cares for. He may simply show this in small gestures and quiet support. He loves to sit and listen to those around him and he will happily walk with someone for hours as long as they have good stories to tell. Since he was sickly as a child, he feels like it is his duty to protect his family now that he is well and able. His caring, protective side isn't exclusive to his family, but they are the main outlet for it. He is extremely loyal to them and any time he has to be apart from them they are constantly on his mind. He's this way with anyone he grows to consider his family or close friend. He's very secretive when it comes to his weaknesses. He will never seek someone out on his own accord when he's sick or hurt. He doesn't want to bother others with his problems, whether they are physical or mental. He's so afraid of being viewed as weak that he will let himself go to anyone for help until he is deathly ill or on the edge of a break down. On the opposite side of the same coin, he is self sacrificing to the point that if it came down to it he would rather see himself hurt than someone else. He would throw himself in the middle of an unfair fight if it meant he could save the weaker of the two some pain.

History: He had been hesitant to come back to Alacritis at first, wanting to attempt to live on his own for a while, but once both of his brothers had left he knew he had to go join them. He got side tracked along the way from falling ill again, but once he finally fought off his illness he continued on his way to find his brothers.

Plans: He'll definitely seek out his brothers first before he does anything else. Then, depending on what Creed is doing and what not, he'll either try to stick with him or find a pack to join. He'll probably want to find any of their other family that is hanging around as well and collect them like collectors cards and keep them all together for the rest of his life and love them all so much

Other: I don't thiiiiiink I have anything else?

RP Sample: Crucible grit his teeth and stopped as another cough shook his form, his ears falling back against his skull and sage green eyes closing tight. He gasped as the coughing fit finally passed, pulling cold air into his aching lungs. He gave a shake of his head and kept trudging on. His large paws crunched through the snow while the wind blew a flurry of flakes around him and ruffled his thick scruff. He had to keep going. This darn illness had held him back from his journey almost a season now and he still had a good bit to go. At least he thought he did. He had never really been the best navigator. He was confident he was heading in the right direction, he just couldn't guess how much longer he had till he would finally be in his old home.

He kept his paws moving even as his muscles began to ache and the sun started to set. He knew he would have to stop for the night, but he just wanted to get a couple more miles behind him if he could. His coughing only stopped him a couple more times and he hoped that was a sign that he was actually on the tail end of his cold or whatever sickness it might be. He remembered a time in his life when this kind of travel would have felt like nothing, but the years and illnesses were starting to catch up to him. He refused to acknowledge this fact though, instead choosing to pretend that wasn't the case.

He squinted to peer up ahead of him in the distance when a large shape came into view. It was hard to see at first though the quickly intruding darkness and the slowly falling snow, but soon enough he was able to make out the large ship. He realized with a start that it was the S.S. Antiox. He'd made it! He hadn't seen it in years, but he had distant memories of the memorable ship. He gave a ragged chuckle and made his way toward it. At least he had a place to rest for the night. He could start looking for his brothers in the morning.