
small things


12-08-2015, 09:06 PM
Védís had wandered further south than anticipated. The bitter cold of the winter wasn't exactly appealing, and so she would travel away from the worst of the weather. Hours turned into days, and slowly autumn faded and now winter was here in full-forced. To say she was running away from something wasn't quite true. There was no real stopping point in sight for her; she simply moved and persisted until something stopped her. Though to be honest, she found herself missing her family quite deeply.. some, perhaps more than others.

       Her paws tread through the cool sand as she wandered down the beach. The night was young, the sky clear, and the moon bright. Its light illuminated the coast well, and she had no issue wandering through the night. The woman's toes stretched, a slow yawn slipping from her parted jaws as she tilted her head skyward. It was cold here still, as the ocean waves brought a bitter wind to the lands, but it was bearable, and there was no snow which was a plus.

       Her blue gaze would penetrate the night as a glimpse of a cavern, against a small cliffside, certainly a place to protect against the elements. Her pace increased slightly, paws carrying her into the darkness as she slipped into the cave, her side pressed against the cool stone wall to orient her as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. The cavern had a slightly sharp slope toward the back, and it seemed as though some water had pooled there. Another slow yawn left her as she stretched her weary limbs - grateful for the prospect of quiet rest.