



3 Years
Dire wolf
12-08-2015, 11:27 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2015, 11:32 PM by Mithras.)


I'm looking for a wide variety of plotty goodness for all my pretty babies. I'll give youa  rough estimate of their personality, what I'm looking for, and what I'm not looking for! Don't be afraid to step outside of those boundaries by the way, they're not strict guidelines, just what comes to mind right now!

STATS: Age: 2 | Alignment: CN | Mate: ??? | Skills: Navigator / Intellectual
PERSONALITY: Mithras is a dorky manchild who thinks he's suave. He loves meeting new people, and has a bad habit of not taking you very seriously. He really just wants to have a good time with life, but the ceaseless sarcasm can get a bit irritating.
LOOKING FOR: Friends, Allies, Amiable folk who don't mind shooting the wind with a stranger. Currently focusing on Diamachi plots, hanging with his kids, and trying to sort out this whole family nonsense. Maybe a slow burn romance? (Has to be natural, I don't like forcing these things.)
DOES NOT WANT: Fighting, instant-romance plots, kidnappings, maims, etc. Putting hardcore drama on the back burner until the pups are a bit older.

STATS: Age: Pup | Alignment: Chaotic Spaz | Mate: Pfft | Skills: Healer 0 / Navigator 0
PERSONALITY: Artemis probably wants to kick your ass. She's pretty sure she could do it, too. Even if she couldn't, she'd smack talk you until you were ready to pick her up and shake her. A real trouble maker, this one. You have been warned.
LOOKING FOR: Things to chew on, people to harass, worlds to conquer, and in general trouble to get in. I'd love to find her some friends outside of her immediate family!
DOES NOT WANT: Kidnappings, bodily harm, angst plots. She just needs to grow up at the moment!

STATS: Age: 2 | Alignment: NE | Mate: None | Skills: Healer 10 / Navigator 0
PERSONALITY: Ankaios is a grumpy bear who tries to hide behind good manners. He's essentially harmless but its pretty easy to ruffle his feathers and his breaking point is hiding in there somewhere. All he wants to do is study his plants and live a peaceful life surrounded by his diligent subjects, is that too much to ask?
LOOKING FOR: Friends who might be able to actually put up with him, long term mentors he can harass for knowledge, and possibly the occasional servant willing to do his bidding and fluff up his ego (please don't, his head is big enough as it is)
DOES NOT WANT: ??? I'm kind of up for anything. I'd prefer he not get maimed, kidnapped, killed; I paid real people money for him >.>

STATS: Age: 1 | Alignment: CG | Mate: Nope! | Skills: Hunter 0 / Navigator 0
PERSONALITY: Phim is essentially a teddy bear. He doesn't have a mean bone in his body, and he rarely takes things personally. If you were to tick him off he'd probably just leave, though honestly you probably caught him in the middle of a border patrol. He's big into exploring, too, and he'll gladly ramble to you about all the awesome places he's been.
LOOKING FOR: Friends, explorers, someone to help him sharpen his skills. Possibly romantic interests??? Male or female is just dandy, I'm not sure where he falls on the spectrum tbh. Nothing instant, this would be a slow burn, multi thread kinda thing! He's only a year old!!!
DOES NOT WANT: I mean... I'm kind of up for anything? Just remember, he's Valen's kid... Mess with him at your own risk!

If you're interested in one of my beautiful baes, reply with the code below~

<b>Plotter: </b> Which character of yours are you wanting to plot with?
<b>Plottee: </b> Which character of yours are you wanting to plot with?
<b>The Deats: </b> What do you want to go down?

NOTE: Caia,  Faria, and his children are allowed in all of Mithras' thread, regardless of their status. If you're threading with him, expect them as well!