
While Shepherds Watched their Flocks



10 Years
12-09-2015, 01:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2015, 01:42 PM by Harmony.)

Harmony stretched carefully, working the knots and aches out of her body as the sun rose over the pack lands. She had been busy since she'd returned to Abaven lands, and the den that Starling had helped her enlarge was fully stocked with herbs, and she had been collecting and preserving the hides of various small mammals, and the feathers of birds to line the interior so it was quite pleasantly warm with her body in there to heat it. Without that little extra warmth at night, she might have not been able to get around at all in the morning. She had barely survived last winter, alone and barely able to hunt for herself, so she was more grateful than ever that Bass had allowed her to return to his pack.

She felt so... frail, during the long dark winter, and depression constantly brushed at her like the fluttering wings of dark butterflies. It made it difficult to want to leave her den at all, but she knew that finding herself something to do would distract her from the... emptiness, the numb feeling of depression. Surely others were struggling with the winter season, whether from anxiety or depression or plain boredom. It would be a good time to distract them all from their woes by stuffing their heads with new information.

She chuckled softly to herself, the warm sound a contrast to the chilly air around her. She couldn't do much to distract the more physically-inclined wolves in the pack - she would leave that to someone else, though she would not exclude anyone who wanted to learn. She wished she could bring the pack on a hunt, or teach a youngling the art of catching rabbits and mice in the winter for the fun of it. Well, she still had her knowledge, tucked away safely in a mind still sharp despite her body's frailty. She needed to use what she had, not lament what she had lost.

Carefully laying out skins outside the den's entrance - some for sitting on, some to protect delicate dried plants from collecting moisture that would ruin them - she arranged them around in a circular pattern with a deerskin in the center upon which she carefully laid out herbs that experience told her would be most useful in the winter. Perhaps the younger wolves would not feel the need to rest out of the snow, but she certainly did, and she sought to make everyone as comfortable as possible.

It was nearly noon to judge by the cool, watery sun high above when she was satisfied with her work, so she curled herself upon a warm layer of rabbit skins, and lifted her head to call out an invitation to anyone who wished to learn from her, or to share healing knowledge of their own. She did not make it a demand, simply an invitation - they could appear or not of their own accord.


OOC: I'll continue this is a week from today so if you want your wolf to participate and points towards a healing skill please pop them in before then so they don't miss anything!