
Friends call me Snow Miser


12-09-2015, 05:38 PM

The walk alone was almost peaceful. The crunching of snow was relaxing, and Bernadette found herself smirking as she padded along. She needed to know more of Yfir, both the lands and the wolves here. Hare was the only one she had met prior and well, that was outside of the lands. Perhaps what she craved was adventure? Action? Bernadette wasn’t sure. She just felt restless. The fight training had made her feel so... Alive. But Berny wanted more Something more fulfilling. Whether it was a fight or an adventure, even a conversation, she didn’t care. She just needed to be active.

A voice would intrude her solitude, as well as the crunching of snow. Ears would swivel, head would turn, and Bernadette would find herself looking towards a rather beautiful young woman. The touch of silver was nice, and her eyes were such a lovely shade. Berny would turn towards her, dipping her head. “For a packmate I have all the time in the world. What can I help you with?” The scent upon the femme’s coat was clear as day that she belonged in Yfir, and her posture wasn’t one of a slave, though Bernadette had noticed there was someone in such a rank. The only question was... Where would this meeting lead?