
Natures Toys{M}



5 Years
12-10-2015, 07:21 PM

She smiled and explained that she had another companion. How curious, he thought, that a wolf could forge such relationships with other species. He wondered if he could find himself such interesting friends. Surely, being able to bridge the gap between different breeds was the highest indication of social skill and charm. He allowed himself only a moment to yearn for the honor, and then turned his attention back to Fiamette.

His impish grin broadened as she asked him why he joined. He briefly mused over the actual reasons of the decision, and then tilted his head a little, still grinning while his gaze remained fixed to hers. ”The alpha, Valentine – the man I mentioned earlier,” he said. ”Not that we are… committed… to one another, or anything,” he said, his brow furrowing gently for a second with thought. ”He managed to snare me is all,” he glanced back to Fiamette with a humorous smirk before his expression became thoughtful again. ”And beyond that… well, I suppose I got lonely. Although I could always find someone new to meet, it never became more than that – just a stranger to have a pleasant conversation with. I could talk with someone new every day and I was still alone.” It was the first time he’d really spelled the fact out to himself too. It felt good to get it straight. Certainly, he had traded in quite a bit of his precious, precious freedom, but the isolation was too much to bear.

He focused on Fiamette again, his smile returning, delicate and gentle. ”Within every single being is contained such an infinite universe… their hopes, beliefs, experiences… The mind is so limitless. Everyone I meet presides over a different infinity, and to explore each would be worthwhile. But it is difficult to make such voyages with strangers.” He was partially thinking aloud now, trying to put into memory a precise organization of his own ideals. The things he said were things he felt true, although, at the same time, after they had left his mouth, they sounded a bit more important than he really thought they were. He wasn’t on a mission to be everyone’s psychiatrist or anything… It was just… nice to get a bit of substance from someone every now and then – from their endless world of the mind. ”Of course, I yearn for that less so than I do the physical matter of things,” he smirked again, flashing the tips of pearly teeth.