
Alluring Secret, Black Vow



5 Years
12-11-2015, 01:43 PM

The strangers red eyes roamed around her body, and she let her ember gaze do the same. She was a tall woman, at least seven inches taller than herself. She had a touch of an accent too, different than those who called Alacritia their home. Mmm, interesting. Her mix of gray body was nothing unusual, but it was the touch of red that held her attention. It wasn't often that she ran into others with that hue on their bodice, and she had to admit, she was very nice to look at. Serefina hummed softly, stepping lightly in the snow to close around the other woman in a tight circle, allowing her frame to brush up against the others lightly. Like a cat she ran her tail under the woman's chin as she spoke, a soft laugh leaving her maw. She made a comment about winter being a boring season, and a scowl crossed her face for a moment. She had no idea. "Winter is the worst season," the woman grumbled, not hiding her hate for the snow riddled season. "but it could be oh so much better with a little... attention." She said with a soft giggle, stepping back to stand in front of the woman. She asked about fun, and Serefina's head tipped back with the weight of her laugh. "Oh darling, I live for fun." A wicked grin split her lips and showed off her teeth, ember eyes dancing with the prospect of finding someone who could play a little with her. "The name is Serefina, by the way. And there are more than a few things on my mind... let's see if you can guess them." She said with a challenge, brow rising to see if the other woman dared to dance her dance.

"Burn Baby Burn"