
When Biting is Not Enough

Mercy I


5 Years

12-11-2015, 03:35 PM

She had to admit, this man was giving her a run for her money. Not that she didn't enjoy the challenge, oh no. In fact, it was nice to have an opponent who surprised her every now and then, she was getting awfully bored with all of these easy fights. A flash of disappointment crossed her face when her upper jaw raked across his own, teeth grazing across the top of his muzzle. Without managing to get her lower jaw into the right position, she was unable to get a hold and snapped her jaws together with a growl. However the sound of his replying growl got her excited all over again, the first blood had been spilled. The metallic scent filled the air and Mercy took in a deep breath, sides shaking from her excitement. She was very much getting turned on by this battle and her nameless opponent, and couldn't wait to see who would rise the victor. So far she felt like she had the upper paw, as her right paw was able to slam against the top of his front left paw. She heard a satisfying crunch on impact, and she knew that she had done some pretty decent damage. With her paw now firmly back on the ground, Mercy quickly reset her stance and kept her defenses in check. Her weight spread evenly across all four legs for the meantime, toes spreading as her claws bit into the hard ground. Her eyes remained narrowed and her pale ears pressed flat against her head, both her tail and her head moving to once again align with her spine. Shoulders rolled forward, a bit of protest from her bruised one, as her chin tucked towards her chest. Each limb was bent slightly and set an equal distance apart.

Her stance would not remain solid for long, as Gethin was able to hook his front left leg around her front right leg, wrapping around her ankle and jerking her limb from under her. Growling she quickly shifted her weight to her own left, tail wagging behind her as she fought to stay balanced. Wanting to return her leg to the ground as quickly as possible she attempted to slam her right front paw down over his already injured left front paw. Mercy hoped to cause even further damage to his paw and make it completely useless, hopefully shattering some of the bones in his toes. So focused on regaining her footing, Mercy missed his head swinging towards her and tried to duck her head down at the last moment. However she was not fast enough, and his forehead slammed into the upper portion of her right forehead, directly below her right ear. The clash of bone on bone left her with her teeth gritting, a rather major bruise spreading across the base of her ear. Her head began to pound as a slight ringing was heard in her ear, but she shook her head to try and get rid of it all. Quickly Mercy turned her head back towards Gethin, towards her right, and attempted to latch down at the top of his neck. Her upper jaw aimed for just behind his left ear, her bottom jaw aimed for the underside of his neck, just above his windpipe. Mercy hoped to bite down with a crushing force, hopefully gaining a hold and putting enough pressure on his windpipe to knock him out. With her head buzzing she knew that she would have to work harder on focusing, before her adrenaline wore off and the real pain really sank in.

Mercy vs Gethin for Spar
Round 2 of 3


Art by Evelyn

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.