
The Menagerie Of Frayer



04-16-2013, 12:06 AM

Fray's Plotting Thread
Krash Nurra Frayer
Male Female Male
Age: Almost 6 Age: 2 Age: 4
Pack: Trying to join Glaciem Pack: None yet. Pack: Lentajin
Fearless, calm, curteous, and heroic. Has a desire to defend the defenseless and promote peace, as his past as a warrior made him hate senseless violence. His past training is difficult to overcome, however, so he has a tendency to be harsh to others without meaning to. His goal is to find a home and a family in some serene place away from the tumultuous world. Cool, confident, sometimes sassy, and always looking for fun. She hangs out with a snake named Shinibana who is more brazen and talkative than she, but they make good friends anyway. She doesn't exactly know what she wants out of life, so only wanders searching for anything new to see or do. Clever, manipulative, and sinister. He takes delight in making a fool of others, either with some elaborate trick or simply saying what it takes to push their buttons. For most of his life, he's been content with doing whatever he pleases and alienating himself from the rest of the world that he's angered, though lately that itching conscience has been bothering him and altering his motives.
Krash is taking Glaciem for a spin, and needs to meet more friends in his new home, and maybe a romantic interest. If your villain needs a hero counterpart, you might consider Krash. Nurra and Shini need more friends to take them on adventures and such. They are currently visiting Valhalla, and might be joining, but may just remain wanderers unless the Valhallans better convince her to join up. Frayer has rejoined Lentajin, and for reasons even he can't completely understand, he wants to get as high a rank as possible in it. He needs allies, enemies, and scapegoats for his quest to power.
I'm open to any ideas you may have, or if you just want to meet one and let happen what will. I warn you that I write a bit slow, but I am practicing being a bit faster, so in time I may be able to keep up well! So leave a note below if you're interested in either of my characters!