
Broken Pasts and Broken Hearts

Thaddeus Rogue

04-16-2013, 12:39 AM
He smiled as she seemed to be a bit shocked by his name for her, but she did not deny him the pleasure of calling her such so he took that as a win. God the more time he spent in her prescience the more charmed he became. She was not perfect no, but she was one of a kind. She was a caterpillar just waiting for the chance to become a butterfly, she just did not know it yet. But Thaddeus knew she was starting to understand freedoms, she had this air about her now that she once did not have, and he was happy for her. He wanted to be here when she spreads her new wings and fly for the first time, he wanted to be standing by her side... But could he contain his wanderlust for the world long enough for him to see her fly?

"Well that is good that you found your way back." He had heard about the volcano eruption, he had been on the other side of the continent when the happened. He had felt the trimmers, had came running back to the old lands to only find it gone. It was only recently that he found where all those wolves had gone and now he was back in his home pack, with his family, they where not hard to find after all, for some unforeseen reason his family was drown to the cold... so all he had to do was go north and eventually he would find them and there he had. When she continued to speck he grew extremely jealous of his brother, so he was the one opening Ayala's shell, he was the one showing her the freedoms of the world, something he should have been here to do. "Well that good, someone should be here to show you what its like to be free, I just wish it could be me..." He tried to hold the bitterness from his voice but it did not fully work, he could still slightly here the small whine in his tones.

But he did not dwell long on his jealousy, for she refused his kill he so wanted her to have. Thaddeus Rogue tilted his head at her and then down at the bunny. "No really I want you to have it. If I had my way, non of you will have to hunt for as long as I am here. I am not a perfect hunter but my tracking skills make me good, I am more than able to catch my own food, later, when I am hungry." He was lying really, Rogue had no intention of eating himself until he saw food in front of most of the pack form his own skill, and that in itself could take days, but he feels obligated to, and he will. "Come Ayala, dig in, I insist." He sat to the side of the kill and watched her with his green blue eyes, and small smile on his face, just loving the sight of her face, which is odd because it was so much like his own but he could care less about himself.

Thaddeus was a bit taken aback by her long speech, it was the most words he had ever heard come out of her muzzle at once, and he was sure that anyone heard. He tilted his head the other way, studding her form. "Yes I may have returned to my family but for how long, I keep the name Rogue because I am one, I can feel the pull to journey everywhere I go, no matter the situation, no matter if I wanted to stay. I was once told the names have power, and I believe it, my names embodies me, as I think your name embodies you; that is why I call you Ayala, not what your slaver called you, for you are not a slave anymore... " He sighed sadly as he continued on. "I have failed in other ways then loyalty, I love my family that is true. But I was unable to save my brother from his shadowed past, I was unable to save my sisters capture in the northern packs, and most of all I was unable to save a pup just trying to live from death... Yes Ayala I am a failure." He tilted his head then, his eyes on her, he wanted to know how she would react, how she would look after she knew about his failures, he wondered if she would walk away, would never talk to him again... Maybe he just ruined his chance with her...