
Let the Love Shine In



4 Years
Extra large
12-12-2015, 05:49 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2015, 05:52 PM by Karabela.)

Karabela's question would first be answered by a bird rather than a wolf and for a moment she thought the birds name was Finch until the girl near the bird confirmed that Finch was her name and the bird… ok the bird didn't have a name but that was fine.  Finch and Finch's bird. "Nice to meet you, though…." Karabela strode boldly toward Finch as another voice softly spoke the name Raba was hoping to hear… Vail. "…where are you going with my partner?"  She winked at Finch and chuckled. " Haha, great to meet you Vail!  Let's kick some butt, yea?"  She gave a wink to her pale partner, completely unaware that the other couldn't see to well.  

Raba would nod to Lillie, one of the few Abaven wolves she knew and… Farrym?  Mother?  Ok… ok that was super weird.  How did a wolf give birth to a cat?  Wasn't Lilie a little young?  Karabela shook her head deciding she didn't want to know.

It would seem there were a few wolves reluctant to give their names. "Huh… ok, well if they won't give me their names guess I'll have to name them…" Raba muttered to herself and partly to Vail and Finch who were so near her.  Eyes fixed on Calypsei. "Ok, blue belle over there will be Periwinkle and…." her eyes latched on Sparrow, she looked like a Destruction and she knew Destructions tended to be named after birds so… "and she'll be from here on known as Flamingo.  Yea." Course then Harmony ruined it by giving her everyone's names but oh well!  She had wanted to know but they would always be Periwinkle and Flamingo to her.  Shrike was added to their group and Raba barked.  Yea, team Raba!

Raba fidgeted as Harmony explained the trust exercise and she wrinkled her nose at the rabbit skins.  Ok…. "Alright, so are the trails scent-marked then or how do we know what is trail and isn't?"

She glanced at Vail who didn't want to go first.  Oh?  Ok!  "Well, that works for me!  I'll go first!" She wondered if there were three different courses or if it was just the one.  After all since she'd be going first and could use her eyes in addition to her other senses she'd have some sense of where she was going when she donned the mask.  Or maybe they could add another trust layer and she could just promise to keep her eyes shut. She grinned to herself and rolled her shoulders. "Ok team, let's do this just lemme know when you're ready and I'll start."

Shall I go ahead and start a new thread for them?
[Image: qqwoqe.png][Image: karabelas_by_nnightcrawler-dais5gp.png]
[Image: k1dtly.png]
I'll take my throne, lay it on a mountain and make myself a king