
Sveo pups <3

Viridian 1


3 Years
12-12-2015, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 12-16-2015, 01:30 PM by Viridian 1.)
OOC name: Kat
Pup name: Elias Lionheart Adravendi
Gender: Male
Which design?

38" 137 lbs

Appearance: The Adrevendi will grow into a rather powerful young man, with a build much like his father. Stocky and sturdy with long elegant limbs that hold up his athletic frame. He adorns a wide powerful chest with similarly built shoulders and neck. His fur texture is longer and usually well kept and shining. The main color that covers him is a soft sooty grey with subtle gradients from his belly to his back with tail and his ears covered in a darker gray. His toes are are a light silver which give way to a light russet that covers his limbs and transitions to the charcoal of his body. The bridge of his nose is a similar silver to his toes and under his eyes reflect the same reddish hue. Along his shoulders at the edge of teh darkness of his scruff lies another strip of russet to decorate his ribs and spine. His eyes are a beautiful hazel, containing hues of the sun closer to his pupil and a light blue green along the outer rim.
Brave | Protective | Loyal | Contemplative

As a youngster Elias will be a more quiet kind of pup, his mind always whirring internally as he tries to puzzle the world out for himself. He'll be a curious little fellow, quite adamant about knowing what the world is made of. He's one to sit and think than to initiate play. That's not to say he doesn't like to play though, he enjoys social interaction but he's one to listen rather than to speak out. Elias will be a brave little pup however, and will not hesitate to speak up for what he believes in. A strong moral code will guide him as he seeks to be the best he can be for his parents. He'll be loyal to a fault, and always willing to please. He's respectful to those who have earned it, but woe be to the one who crosses him. For the most part he keeps his emotions well under control, but he has some trouble with the more explosive ones like anger or jealousy.
RP sample: While Elias wasn't technically ranked as a prince he liked to think himself one, even at his young age he'd hold himself elegantly. Or at least that's what he wanted to think. With his long gangly legs and head that seemed almost too big for his body the pup looked anything but like royalty. He was confident he'd grow into it, or at least he'd take the advice from the older wolves in the pack. He'd grow up to be quite 'handsome' whatever that word even meant. He was a happy pup, content to explore the lands he was born into. Dreams of defending his home and one day being as impressive as his father would occupy his mind as the child traversed the mangroves. Yeah he was gonna be great one day!

Ready to prove himself the young member of Fiori had taken it upon himself to start doing patrols early. Not around the borders of course, momma said not to get to close to them, but around the den. He'd go just far enough that he couldn't even see the entrance anymore, and then he'd do a perimeter sweep. Had to keep everyone safe right? He'd done this a few times a day since he'd been released from the den, and by now he was working up quite the little path. He'd even go as far as to mark the trail like his dad would around the border. He'd only been there once, but he hoped soon his dad would start taking him along for the ride. He was doing such a good job closer to home he had no doubt Leo would soon be taking him along.